I go there on CodePink.

Glenn Reynolds isn’t particularly scratching his head over why CodePink is so down on drones, and neither am I.  And as to the answer of this question by Zombie of Pajamas Media:

Someone sitting safely at an Air Force base in Nevada presses a button and it launches a missile from a drone which takes out an al-Qaeda leader or a Taliban chieftain — the very warmongers who are causing the problem and the very ones who declared war on us.

Shouldn’t CodePink therefore be protesting in favor of drones? That would make more sense.

…with a question of my own: why are we assuming that CodePink wants the AQ or Taliban target to be the one dying?

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Reverse The Vote!: a reminder.

The subject came up yesterday about what specific funds groups like the NRCC can or cannot collect on their phone calls.  You see, there is a section of the GOP base that is simultaneously mad at the national committees and aware that said committees do in fact provide support for worthy Congressional candidates; unfortunately, it turns out that the FEC regulations are – surprise, surprise! – complicated.  Which is why they just collect money generically.

That being said: Reverse The Vote! is a collection of Victory Funds that target 24 specific Democrats – ones voting for party and personal privilege over principle – by collecting money for the eventual GOP challenger.  No sides chosen, no interference in primaries, and none of the national committees sees a dime.  And those folks will need the help; so check it out.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Prediction of the day, Larry Sabato edition.

He really goes out on a limb, here:

Domestically, there will be historic midterm contests that will reshape the entire political landscape, at least until the next election. I can see clearly that there will be far more losing than winning candidates, counting primary contenders. A fair number of the winners will eventually be found to be corrupt, having extramarital affairs, or involved in other categories of scandal. One more prediction is coming into focus: The November 2, 2010 results will be over-interpreted.

I wrote that while smiling, by the way. Larry Sabato was just having fun.

Moe Lane

“Government Run Healthcare Just Beyond Your Fingertips.”

‘There’s an app for that.’ The NRCC has its moments.

Although you have to wonder how surprised the person in that commercial should have been at being locked out of the process of ensuring less health care coverage for more money. I mean, really: so what if the President promised eight times while on the campaign trail to bring in C-SPAN*? Everybody knows by now that he lies.

Moe Lane Continue reading “Government Run Healthcare Just Beyond Your Fingertips.”

Mayor Sheila Dixon (D) of Baltimore to resign.

(H/T: @leonwolf) About time, too.

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, the first woman to hold the city’s highest position, will officially resign her post as mayor.

A deal was reached in the case regarding her recent conviction and her future case involving perjury charges, 11 News I-Team reporter David Collins said Wednesday afternoon. Lawyers for Dixon and state prosecutors in her embezzlement trial spent time behind closed doors to discuss details of the deal.


She’ll also have to make a $45,000 donation to the Bea Gaddy Foundation and do 500 hours of community service with Our Daily Bread. According to the deal regarding the perjury charges, she’s agreed to sell the gifts she received from developers, including a fur coat and electronics she bought with gift cards, and give the proceeds to charity.

Since the article doesn’t want to spell it out, let me: she stole from poor kids. But she’ll keep her pension, all the same. This is, after all, Maryland – and she is, after all, a Democrat.  If that sounds cynical, please note that Ms. Dixon actually got complimented by a fellow-Democrat for ‘putting constituents first’ right after Ms. Dixon was convicted of stealing from them

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.