Retracto the Correction Alpalca vs. Max Blumenthal of Salon. #rsrh (content warning)

I really hope that Salon didn’t pay top dollar for that dreary racism hit piece against James O’Keefe in the first place, because Retracto makes it pretty clear that Blumenthal didn’t give them their money’s worth.  However you want to score it.

I would feel sorry for the people that actually rely on as a news source, if this is what they’re paying for; only, I’m reminded of what the great Rev. Ivan Stang of the Church of the SubGenius said* of ur/o/lag/ni/a videos**:

“Trying to masturbate to this would be a real challenge.”

Yet, they seem up to the task***.

Moe Lane

*From the classic HIGH WEIRDNESS BY MAIL – and I not only own a copy; I own an autographed copy.

**If you don’t know, don’t look it up.  Treasure your innocence.  And don’t blame me for your curiosity, either.

***As it were.

US Patent Office refuses to accept upside-down faxes. #rsrh

Not as in, ‘flipped over.’ As in, ‘rotated 180 degrees.’ Speaking as somebody who is cynical about bureaucracies, I suspect (contra BNet and probably Fark Geek) that there was a reason for this once; and it was probably even a legitimate reason. That it makes no sense now suggests that the reason has quietly been made obsolete (probably by technology)… only by then the people that instituted the policy were gone or not in a position to deal with the problem, and the new people only know that this is the way things were already done, and, well, there’s a form letter. So just fax the stupid thing the right way, OK?

We have an entire government full of these sorts of situations. Which is one key reason why a lot of us want to hack back what we’ve already got with a machete, not let it grow larger.

Somebody hit Jim Treacher with a car last night. #rsrh

Originally reported as a hit-and-run by the Secret Service; not actually contradicted by this, although Jim’s reporting this from the perspective of a guy who’s had his knee broken, which means that he’s in a particular universe of pain that I am personally thankful to have never personally visited.  Hot Air has more.

Best wishes and prayers for Jim, of course.  He’s both a good guy and a valuable member of the VRWC, and if does turn out to be the Secret Service and they stonewall… then I encourage Tucker Carlson to go all Breitbart on them.

Read the Washington Post! Quickly, before it changes!

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.

I’m not sure if this reflects a bad link on Hot Air’s part, or whether the AP’s Erica Werner really did drastically did rewrite this article between 10:35 PM and 12:52 AM. Compare two equivalent passages for an idea of how extensive the latter would have been.

Original (WaPo, supposedly; copy found at Breitbart)

Obama used the same language toward Republicans as he did toward extremists in the Muslim world in his inaugural address. Of Republicans, he said Wednesday, “We extend a hand and get a fist in return.” In his inaugural address last year, he said the United States “will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”

WaPo’s version:

The president said he meant it when he told House Republicans that he wants to work with them. Then he sharply added: “We’ll call them out when they say they want to work with us, and we extend a hand and get a fist in return.”

The rest of the piece is like that, of course.  I’m singling out Erica Werner because she’s listed on the WaPo article as a contributor to the article, but not what looks to be the original: if this was a rewrite, presumably she had a busy night*. Or somebody did.  If we start seeing articles being rewritten hastily after they show up in major blogs, well, then we’ll know.  And need to start screenshotting again, of course.

As to the specific bit here about how the President thinks of my party in the same terms as he does of armed terrorists who take special care to murder women and homosexuals… well, let me put it this way.  The first draft of this post was a satirical apologia for President Obama’s repeated attacks on Las Vegas.  I was going to excuse him for it because he had been raised in a profoundly insular, somewhat xenophobic, and definitely rigid sub-culture that was notoriously intellectually indifferent to the belief structures of other groups: in short, he was a typical urban academic.  I couldn’t make it work, and I couldn’t figure out why.

I have now figured out why: I wasn’t being satirical.  It was all true.

Moe Lane

*I’d really like to believe that this was a bad link on HA’s part, but I can’t, quite.

Crossposted to RedState.

Your surreal “Traficant’s back” photo of the day. #rsrh

Somehow we started from here

Jim Traficant: “I’m Running For Congress”


Well, there’s a bumper sticker for you.

Jim Traficant
Fighting for America’s Families, so long as it doesn’t violate the terms of my parole.

(That’s… sort of based on a direct quote.)

…and then we added this to the mix…

This May Be the Greatest Campaign Web Video of All Time


It combines what sounds like the soundtrack to “The Exorcist,” a narrator who sounds like he’s imitating Morgan Freeman with the stratospheric dudgeon of Keith Olbermann’s “Special Comments,” and then the grand finale: evil, menacing, vaguely cybernetic sheep with glowing red eyes. Two minutes and thirty seconds into the video, you will be screaming, “What the hell is that?!?” and reaching for any available firearms.

…and we somehow ended up here.

(Original here)
(You can blame for that one.)

Really: it all made perfect sense at the time.

Hey, remember when Obama wanted Judd Gregg for Commerce Secretary?

And remember when a bunch of groups got freaked out about it because it meant that a Republican would be instantly aware of any organized shenanigans designed to muck about with the Census?

And remember when the President hastily pandered to those groups by declaring that Gregg wouldn’t be overseeing the Census?

And remember how Gregg then – and quite rightly – told the President what he could do with his Cabinet position?

Remember all that?

Continue reading Hey, remember when Obama wanted Judd Gregg for Commerce Secretary?