#rsrh Tea Parties and the Conquest of Paradise*.

(Via Michelle Malkin) Is this even English?

The anti-Bush shirt corresponded neatly with a charge offered by a metro employee who was standing in the crowd. “Where were these people when Bush was president, spending money left and right?” I noted that many of them had been critical of Bush in the protests recently. Does that exonerate them? “Nah, it’s just a double-standard. I mean, we’re a nation of immigrants and they come to this country, and the Indians are already here, and they have some nerve to talk about ‘rights.'”

It’s more like somebody took a handful of progressive tropes, tossed them into a blender, and hit ‘chop.’ Continue reading #rsrh Tea Parties and the Conquest of Paradise*.

My brief foray into fiscal text-based RPGs.

Whatever Microsoft is charging for its “Let’s balance the federal budget!” game that the government has requested…

No.  Really.

…I’m pretty sure that I can bring it in for less.  I even have a script already planned out: Continue reading My brief foray into fiscal text-based RPGs.

#rsrh Geez, Stormy, run in LA-03 if you’re that annoyed about it.

It’s an open seat and a prime Republican pickup, seeing as Charlie Melancon has decided to end his legislative career by losing to David Vitter in the LA-SEN race.  You say you’re a Fair-Taxer, and I believe you: you also say that your, ah, life/work experience gives you a certain useful perspective on the proper role of government in man’s affairs, and I actually believe you on that, too.  But trying to jump from the adult entertainment industry to a Senatorial seat in one go was always going to have people assume the worst of your motivations.  House seat… you might have gotten a pass on that.  Senate seat: no.

Sorry, but that’s the way it goes.  I didn’t design this political system: I’m just trying to manipulate it for my own goals, just like you and everybody else who’s paying attention.

That’s one heck of a commute.

I’d like to be able to say that it’s nice to see that we’re still providing an example of entrepreneurship in something, except that this isn’t what I had in mind:

LA gangs take over UK streets

BRITAIN is becoming a battleground for the notorious Bloods and Crips gangs that once brought fear to Los Angeles.

Around a QUARTER of mobs in London now align themselves with the two crime networks.

Via Drudge.

“My name is RUSS CARNAHAN, Congressman!”

“I own a House seat and a YACHT!”


“…which I don’t pay taxes on!”

As Americans prepare to file and pay their taxes, it’s come to light that Rep. Russ Carnahan may be skimping on his. The Congressman avoids paying personal property taxes on his 42-foot yacht by docking it in Alton, Illinois instead of his hometown.

“Illinois does not have a statewide property tax. Property is taxed on the local level only, and includes only real property such as land, buildings or permanent facilities.” (St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association; Taxes and Incentives)

(H/T: Gateway Pundit) “Because taxes are for people who aren’t named Carnahan! Like, Ed Martin. Is he a Carnahan? I don’t think so! I don’t think so.”

Moe Lane

Continue reading “My name is RUSS CARNAHAN, Congressman!”

Greg Farrell 1, WaPo Ombudsman 0.

Scott over at Power Line has been all over the latest attempts to backtrack/bait-and-switch allegations that racial epithets were hurled at African-American Congressmen after the passage of the health care debacle (see here and here).  The short version is that the story has changed several times, thanks to all that pesky video evidence (and lack of video evidence); but the new versions are not notably more accurate than the first ones.  To give just one example, the AP is reporting Heath Shuler’s corroborating the basic fact of the story… except that he’s not (H/T: Instapundit).  All of this is background to the aforementioned Farrell’s entertaining discussion with the WaPo ombudsman (found here, over this report).  The latter does not come off favorably in the exchange, particularly when Farrell points out that yes, actually, the alleged location of the incident has changed as evidence contradicting it was brought forward.

There is a brutal truth here: nobody in the media wants to be the one to come out and say that John Lewis, a respected Democratic Congressman – one who took a beating for the Civil Rights movement – is a race-baiting liar.  That’s because nobody in the media really wants to believe that a respected Democratic Congressman is a race-baiting liar.  And I sympathize, really.  After all, when I heard that there was credible evidence that Duke Cunningham was taking defense kickbacks in a time of war, I didn’t want to believe that a respected Republican Congressman and war hero was a war-profiteering near-seditionist.

But I didn’t let that stop me from facing reality.  I suggest that Congressman Lewis’ defenders either come up with some actual proof to justify their beliefs, or else re-examine them.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Movie of the Week: Shaun of the Dead.

Shaun of the Dead isn’t precisely my first choice. It’s just that my first choice was going to be an alternate history flick: there are very few alternate history flicks that I have seen; and pretty much all the ones that I have seen are crap. So… Shaun of the Dead.

And adieu to The Muppet Movie.