And now, a very cool Nerf Steampunk gun.

As near as I can tell, there was almost no structural modifications done here:

The artist obviously painted the toy, but if you look at the original (the Nerf N-Strike Maverick Blaster) closely there’s actually a lot of steampunk-friendly detail there already. Even the nameplate is actually in the original; the paint job merely makes it obvious. It makes you wonder why Nerf didn’t simply produce this beauty in brass and brown rather than yellow and gunmetal in the first place…

#rsrh Non-shoe bomber released.

Public service announcement, by the way: this guy came pretty close to what Charles Stross calls ‘auto-darwinating*.’   Don’t be this guy.

An envoy from Qatar who authorities said grabbed a surreptitious smoke in a jetliner’s bathroom and then joked about lighting his shoe on fire, sparking a bomb scare and the scrambling of military jets, has been released from custody.

No explosives were found on the Washington-to-Denver flight. Authorities speaking on condition of anonymity said they don’t think the envoy was trying to hurt anyone during Wednesday’s scare and he will not be criminally charged.

He’ll probably be PNGed, though: the administration will no doubt make sure of it.  After all, he was smoking.

On an airplane.

Moe Lane

*Making jokes about setting off bombs to people whose job it is to neutralize people who have bombs is contraindicated.


#rsrh Illinois Dems assign Lt. Gov nomination to Sheila Simon.

You probably didn’t hear about this at the time…

Illinois Democratic leaders gave the nomination for lieutenant governor Saturday to Sheila Simon, daughter of an Illinois political icon, following the wishes of Gov. Pat Quinn despite warnings of a potential backlash from black voters.


The Democratic State Central Committee was forced to pick a nominee because the winner of the February primary election, Scott Lee Cohen, dropped out over accusations of past steroid use, failure to pay child support and holding a knife to his girlfriend’s throat – accusations which he denied.

The committee passed over state Rep. Art Turner, a black legislator from Chicago who finished second in the primary. Some of his supporters had warned that rejecting Turner for someone who didn’t even run in the primary could sour black voters on Quinn.

Because, well, the Democratic party of Illinois decided to replace a knife-wielding, steroid-using, deadbeat dad with a white former city councilwoman with a famous name, and not the African-American state legislator who came in second in the first place.  That’s… all kind of awkward; which makes it a perfect fit for Illinois Democrats these days.  Embracing the Awkward is all the rage for those guys.

Moe Lane

PS: Just in passing: the Scott Lee Cohen situation is probably why Alexi Giannoulias has not yet been pressured to leave the race over the entire “20 million dollar loan to bookies and pimps” thing.  They’ve already had one yank-and-replace; having two would lead people to ask why Chicago Democrats even bother with primaries.

Well, more people.  And the choice of adjective modifying ‘Democrat’ there was deliberate.

Quote of the Day, insulting analogies edition.

(Via neo-neocon, via Instapundit) Nancy Pelosi:

”It’s like the back of the refrigerator. You see all these wires and the rest,” said Pelosi. “All you need to know is, you open the door. The light goes on. You open this door, you go through a whole different path, in terms of access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans.”

So, you know, never you worry about the fact that the wires seem to be hooked up to a baby. Which is crying. And on fire.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, she really thinks that you’re this stupid.  Sorry.

Crossposted to RedState.

Why is Gov. Paterson (D, NY) flirting with impeachment?

Article I, Section 2, US Constitution:

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

Henrietta, NY — Multiple Democratic sources now confirm that party chairs decided Monday night that Matthew Zeller is their candidate should a special election to replace Rep. Eric Massa take place.

As Jim Geraghty notes, there should be no ‘should’ here; the US Constitution is not ambiguous about the subject.  There is a vacancy in NY-2329 [OOPS!]: its citizenry have the Constitutional right to representation with all due speed; complaints may be directed to the former office holder. Subject closed.

I assumed that this report was simply an April Fool’s joke, but surely the governor is not seriously considering ignoring his mandated duty under the law?

Even if he is a Democrat?

Moe Lane

PS: Tom Reed is the GOP candidate for this district.

Crossposted to RedState.

LaHood: bikes good, freight transport bad.

Ah, there’s no insularity like urban insularity.

(Via AoSHQ Headlines) Elections have consequences.  Here, have some.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has announced a “major policy revision” that aims to give bicycling and walking the same policy and economic consideration as driving.

“Today I want to announce a sea change,” he wrote on his blog last week. “This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of nonmotorized.”

(Original italics restored) Well, it’s not like cities needed cheap fresh produce anyway*… oh.  Wait.  The entire history of civilization has been geared towards providing precisely that.  A pity that nobody explained to this administration how the food gets into supermarkets in the first place, yes?

Moe Lane

*I can’t wait to see what a pedal-operated eighteen-wheeler looks like.

No, really.  I can’t wait.

I hate to disagree with Instapundit on this…

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers. To save time: we need implementation of the good ideas we’ve had already more than we need new good ideas; if I have a choice between bondage-themed clubs and more of this I’d like the bondage-themed clubs, thanks; and the grassroots activists that we have now are not public utilities, and many do not like being volunteered to work.

Glenn Reynolds:

My advice to GOP donors: Ignore ‘em, and send your money directly to candidates you like.

Moe Lane:

…Just resign yourself to the fact that doing so will limit November’s victories to candidates that can somehow manage to get your attention.

You don’t like the RNC, the NRSC, and/or the NRCC? Fine. You got something that will replace them? You have something that will allocate resources to every race, work with every candidate, keep track of the Other Side’s mistakes and pounce on them? Let me save you some time: no, you don’t.  You don’t have anything that’s even close.  And if there is anything that’s even close that’ll be in place in time to be a meaningful factor in November, I have not heard its name.

If you have a problem with the Republican party’s candidate selection system, join the Republican party and start doing all the boring scutwork involved with candidate selection.  You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll be in a position to do something about your problems.

Moe Lane

PS: Please note that this reflects my personal, private opinion and nobody else’s.