Michael Williams on the Gulf Oil Spill.

I had the opportunity to talk with Texas Railroad Commissioner* Michael Williams (R) today on the spill in the Gulf:

It’s a shame that he’s not a Senator right now, but it’s always a pleasure to talk with Mike.

Moe Lane

*For those unaware: the RRC doesn’t involve itself with railroads; it oversees Texan energy development. Hence the interview subject.

VA AG Cuccinelli to invoke VATA over Climategate?

Elections have consequences for the other guy, too.

Could be, could be:

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is invoking a state anti-fraud law to demand the University of Virginia turn over years worth of documents related to climate scientist Michael Mann, targeting about $500,000 in grants that funded Mann’s studies.

Cuccinelli, a Republican who is separately suing the federal government over regulation of carbon emissions, issued the school a civil subpoena late last month probing “possible violations” of the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act by the former U.Va. professor. Mann, now a professor at Penn State, is famous for creating the controversial “hockey stick” graph charting a spike in global temperatures.

Continue reading VA AG Cuccinelli to invoke VATA over Climategate?

#rsrh (Unfortunate) QotD, Grecian Earn edition.

Not ‘unfortunate’ because I think that it shouldn’t have been written: ‘unfortunate’ because I wish it didn’t have to be.

Have you ever tried to tell a petulant child to eat his spinach or he won’t get his dessert, and had the child respond by throwing flaming gasoline at you? If so, then you know quite literally how the Greek prime minister feels.

That’s from RS’s own Francis Cianfrocca… err, for The New Ledger.  And the news is… well, financial people tend to see opportunities in every situation that affects the market, up to (but not quite including) ‘multiple asteroid strikes in the Atlantic Ocean.’  I’m pretty sure that the rest of us are in deep trouble, though.

#rsrh Faisal Shahzad, anti-war Bush-Basher.

Via Instapundit, via Dan Riehl, your shocker of the day:

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — A real estate broker says the Times Square bombing suspect told him years ago he disliked President George W. Bush and the Iraq war.

Igor Djuric (JOOR-itch) represented Faisal Shahzad (FY’-sul shah-ZAHD’) when he was buying a home in 2004. Djuric says he could not remember the exact words but said Shahzad made clear he didn’t like Bush or his policy in Iraq. He says the comments were not hateful, but he was surprised to hear them because they hardly knew each other.

Now, clearly your standard antiwar BDS sufferers do not decide to take things to the next level and decide to go commit acts of treason against the USA.  The percentage is almost infinitely small, in fact.  But it’s also looking fairly clear by now that Shahzad was one of those fragments of a splinter of a sliver percentage that would snap – or he was a sleeper and was planning to do it all along.  Either way, why did he wait so long?  …oh.  Right.  He was possessed of a bowel-liquefying fear of what the previous administration would do to him and his fellow-terrorists if Shahzad tried anything.  This is an attitude that the current administration should be doing more to foster among our enemies.

And by ‘more’ I mean ‘at all.’

Moe Lane

Well, at least Meghan Cofield’s getting work.

Who is Meghan Cofield? Well, she’s a Ohio worker who lost her job, and it’s all John Kasich’s fault!

No, wait, it was all John McCain’s fault!

Yeah. That was an ad from 2008 – same person, and even some of the same footage – when Barack Obama was pretending to be hating on NAFTA (needless to say, that promise came with an expiration date: also needless to say, Strickland has no intention of bringing that up with the President). Which leads me to the next question: just why is Meghan Cofield so depressed? She seems to be developing quite the career race-baiting the Chinese.

Moe Lane Continue reading Well, at least Meghan Cofield’s getting work.

DSCC spends netroots money… against netroots.

We already knew that the DSCC had dropped $1 million on keeping the netroot’s candidate down in Ohio: now comes word that they’re doing something similar in Pennsylvania.

The DSCC is spending a significant amount of money to ensure a former GOP Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) wins his May 18 primary, sources with knowledge of the move tell Hotline OnCall.

One source said the DSCC is using coordinated funds to help Specter keep a robust TV presence. Ads that tout Specter’s candidacy now say they are paid for by the DSCC; last week, the disclaimers on the same ads indicated Specter’s campaign had paid for them.

Continue reading DSCC spends netroots money… against netroots.

The Mommy Old Testament.

This just got sent to me, and, well.


Do not scream; for it is as if you scream all the time. If you are given a plate on which two foods you do not wish to touch each other are touching each other, your voice rises up even to the ceiling, while you point to the offense with the finger of your right hand; but I say to you, scream not, only remonstrate gently with the server, that the server may correct the fault. Likewise if you receive a portion of fish from which every piece of herbal seasoning has not been scraped off, and the herbal seasoning is loathsome to you, and steeped in vileness, again I say, refrain from screaming.

Though the vileness overwhelm you, and cause you a faint unto death, make not that sound from within your throat, neither cover your face, nor press your fingers to your nose. For even now I have made the fish as it should be; behold, I eat of it myself, yet do not die.

Ah. Kids.