‘The Bully Party.’

Funny thing about bullies: when they fall, they tend to fall hard.

Matthew Continetti (H/T Instapundit) says in print what I – and probably a lot of the VRWC – have been thinking:

The Democratic response to dissent is a lot like their governing style: partisan, arrogant, and self-righteous. In recent weeks, various Democratic factotums have lectured the public about “extreme” rhetoric, insinuating that the Tea Party takes its cues from The Turner Diaries. Some liberals suffer from a pathological inability to refer to the Tea Party by its name, preferring a crude and infantile sexual epithet. The folks waving signs and holding peaceful rallies have been insulted as fakes, wackos, ignoramuses, racists, nihilists, and hicks suffering from status anxiety. But when a poll revealed the Tea Party movement is better educated and wealthier than the electorate at large, a prominent Washington Post columnist summarily dismissed the movement as the “populism of the privileged.” The lines of attack change, but the message is always the same: Go home. Shut up. Let us do what we want.

There’s a word for this sort of overbearing, priggish intimidation: bullying. And like a lot of bullying, the Democrats’ behavior seems to stem from deep-seated insecurities. Maybe the Democrats are not as confident in government as they appear. Maybe they worry about the massive deficits and the hemorrhaging public debt. Maybe they read the same polls we do, the ones showing the public shifting right, Republicans leading the generic ballot, Republican-leaning independents returning to the GOP, congressional approval and support for incumbents at record lows, and the conservative base in a state of wild enthusiasm.

Continue reading ‘The Bully Party.’

#rsrh @jaketapper wins Merriman Smith Award.

Very cool.

ABC News president David Westin toasted Jake Tapper last night as the ABC News White House correspondent was honored with the Merriman Smith Award for presidential news coverage at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.

I like Jake: he’s a good reporter.  In fact, he’d deserve the award even if pretty much everybody else eligible for it in the mainstream media didn’t suck utterly at covering this administration.

Oops, did I just type that out?

Moe Lane

So, I’m figuring that “Wooly Mammoth Rampage in Disneyland!”…

…will be about what, 2017?  2019? Via @allahpundit:

Scientists use ‘Jurassic Park’ experiment to try to bring woolly mammoth back from the dead

Scientists are a step closer to bringing the woolly mammoth back from the dead.

In an extraordinary Jurassic Park style experiment, they used DNA from an extinct frozen mammoth to bring back to life the major component of mammoth blood.

…complete with artistic representation of the wooly mammoth, which is basically a “angry-looking Snuffleupagus* with giant TUSKS OF DOOM.” Oh, sure, they talk later about how they can’t use this to actually create a Prius-flipping behemoth that will charge its way across Southern California until it is ironically lured into the La Brea Tar Pits by a rugged military veteran/surf instructor with a past, his wise-cracking surfing dude sidekick, and the obligatory gorgeous woman with glasses and a labcoat, but then: they always say that. Right before the unveiling, and the cameras flashing, and the beast running wild…

I mean, read this part:

The researchers could use the same technique to bring back other extinct proteins in mammoth’s bodies. They could also use them for prehistoric rhinos, bears and tigers.


Prehistoric rhinos.

These guys have plans.

Moe Lane

*Got it spelled right on the first try, thank you very much.

#rsrh Blackshirts in Santa Cruz!

Radical Left-anarchist stripe, of course.

A large group of protesters demonstrating at a May Day rally for worker’s and immigrant rights downtown broke off into a riot vandalizing about a dozen businesses around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police said.

Many in the group were carrying makeshift torches as they marched, breaking storefront windows and writing “anarchist graffiti” on buildings, according to Capt. Steve Clark. Many businesses sustained multiple broken windows including very large storefront windows at Urban Outfitters and The Rittenhouse building. Police believe at least 15 businesses suffered damage.

Via Ed Driscoll.  Blackshirts probably do more than any other faction of the Progressive Left to embarrass and marginalize the Progressive Left, bless their hearts: put enough of them in a crowd and you are absolutely guaranteed rioting, property damage, and – when the odds are at least six-to-one in their favor – maybe even a little assault and battery.  They are one major reason why the antiwar movement went precisely nowhere in the last decade, and if they’re metastasizing in ‘illegal immigrants’ rights’ groups, well, that’s good news for the people opposing those groups…

So… who did it?

‘It’ being the failed car bombing attempt on Times Square yesterday, of course: there’s been some fairly obvious choices for assigning a perpetrator, but nothing’s confirmedYet*Allahpundit over at Hot Air is keeping track of this story; about the only thing that we know for certain is that NYPD cops have guts that go well past ‘steel’ and straight into ‘gold-titanium alloy’ territory.

But you knew that already.

Moe Lane

*Do not be surprised if this is a lone nut, in other words.  I suspect that we’ll know more tomorrow: it sounds like they have video of the guy, which – if true, and if we’re being told about it – means that they’re close enough to getting him that it doesn’t matter that we’re being told about it.

Crossposted to RedState.