Rasmussen: Meek must be sunk…

…if the Democrats want to keep the R from the seat. If Meek gets the nomination, Marco Rubio wins; if Greene gets it, Crist picks up enough votes to make the race competitive. And, of course, if Crist wins he’ll then finish the project of becoming a Democrat. That was Arlen Specter’s mistake, you see: openly turning your coat will strike too many people as being too raw. Better by far to lie until after the election, and not give them the chance to complain for six years.

The latest numbers from Rasmussen support this:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Florida shows Rubio with 38% of the vote and Crist at 33% if Congressman Kendrick Meek is the nominee. Meek earns 21%. Only one percent (1%) prefer some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.

If billionaire Jeff Greene is the Democratic candidate, Crist gets 37% support to Rubio’s 36%, with Greene trailing at 20%. two percent (2%) like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Continue reading Rasmussen: Meek must be sunk…

‘The lion, the midgets, and the wardrobe malfunction.’

Long story about the above – do yourself a favor and never let any email list get infected with an argument over which side would actually win this fight, because said argument will never, ever end – but I personally think that it’s an absolutely killer title.

I just don’t know what it would be about.

When Drive-through customers attack.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) Hey, let’s play When do you tase the customer?

Personally, I would have said somewhere around :31. When the customer attempts to climb through the drive through window, it is safe to assume that the fundamental assumptions that you have made about this particular customer service issue are in point of fact invalid. So go ahead, think of the customer as just being a midget polar bear, and fire up Mr. Volty.

Robin Carnahan campaign apologizes for attack.

It seems that one of their campaign’s guys (Kansas City Councilman Bill Skaggs) got a little grabby and profane with a Republican video tracker.  By that I mean that Skaggs apparently laid hands on the video tracker, threatened him, swore at him (not bleeped out on the video below, so keep that in mind), and called him ‘boy’*.  Funny how these people hate being on the receiving end of the exact same observation tactics that they so exhaustively used in years past, isn’t it?

Skaggs didn’t apologize for anything except the profanity, thus requiring the Robin Carnahan campaign to take time out from their sinking Senatorial campaign to issue this statement:

“Robin does not condone this type of unacceptable behavior and it is a distraction from the real issues that matter in this campaign.”

So, I guess that means that Councilman Bill Skaggs has been asked to disassociate himself from the campaign, right? Seeing as they don’t condone this, and everything. No? Well, I suppose that makes a certain amount of sense: at this point, Robin Carnahan can’t exactly afford to alienate any of the people still planning to vote for her in November…

Moe Lane

PS: Roy Blunt for Senate. Not getting grabby with your person or your wallet. Continue reading Robin Carnahan campaign apologizes for attack.

CT-SEN starts to reset.

A funny thing happened in Connecticut lately: the Senate race started tightening.

This Reuters article about the likely McMahon/Blumenthal match-up contains at least one major howler – to the best of my knowledge, Linda McMahon has never been an actual professional wrestler* – but the major point seems valid: McMahon has made up considerable ground in the last few months.  Of particular note is the latest Quinnipiac poll, which shows Blumenthal/McMahon at 50/40, and with McMahon actually edging out Blumenthal among independents.  Reuters suggests that this may be due to McMahon’s targeting of female voters:

[Sacred Heart University Professor Gary] Rose said McMahon’s commercials have effectively targeted middle- and upper middle-class women. Her current TV ads depict two well-dressed women driving in a black SUV and debating the merits of McMahon vs Blumenthal, noting she has not taken any money from special interest groups while Blumenthal went back on a vow not to accept such cash.

Continue reading CT-SEN starts to reset.

#rsrh Joe Donnelly (D, IN-02) lies.

You can get to the ad where he does so here – I don’t give Democrats free advertising – but he’s lying.  Joe Donnelly can claim to be for border security all he likes, but unless he plans to announce that he will not vote for, or caucus with, a Democrat leadership that refuses to properly secure the border then he is betting that the voters in Indiana’s Second District are amnesiac fools.

I suggest that folks vote for Jackie Walorski (see also here) instead, on the sensible notion that if you have a choice between an actual Republican and a Democrat trying to fake being one, you should avoid the fake…

‘Revolution in the air,’ forsooth.

Today’s conservative pick-me-up of liberal gloom and despair comes from Brent Budowsky, whose I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-the-blackest-irony piece in the Hill (called “Revolution in the air:” again, forsooth) will provide you with a piquant, yet filling, compliment to your coffee-and-beverage. Budowsky has come to the realization that a: there is an epic-level anger out there with the people running things into the ground and b: everybody is extremely aware that the Democrats are the ones running things into the ground, and he’s almost as angry with the Democrats for putting him in this spot as he is with the Republicans for not having the common courtesy of killing our families, then ourselves, in a mass suicide cult. Budowsky has a solution, of course (these guys always have a ‘solution’): he thinks that the Democrats “should cancel the week of recess before Labor Day, go to the floor of Congress and fight for American jobs, rally the party base, and go to the country with a campaign worthy of the Democratic Party.”  And then they can ride their Magical Pretty Space Princess Unicorns across the land and transform all those naughty Unemployments into Goodjobs with their Rainbow Sunshine Keynesian Wands!

Oh, wait, this is Earth. So what the Democrats will do instead is hide from their constituents, blame everything on George W. Bush, and get shellacked in November by a voting public ready to have adults with a functioning spine back in charge of fiscal policy.

Well, that works too.

Moe Lane Continue reading ‘Revolution in the air,’ forsooth.

Hey, I guess I was wrong about something.

I figured that Meryl Streep wasn’t going to let them destroy her chances at a third Oscar by giving her a horribly deformed Margaret Thatcher to play.  Via Power Line, it seems that I was wrong:

The cameras have not even started rolling on a new film being made about Margaret Thatcher’s life in which she is expected to be played by Meryl Streep, but already the project has been tainted by controversy over the negative way it intends to portray the former Prime Minister.

On first hearing about the production last month, a member of Lady Thatcher’s family, who wishes to remain anonymous, said they were ‘appalled’ to learn that she will be depicted as a dementia sufferer looking back on her career with regret.

How do I put this nicely? Look, Hollywood: the reason why the movies that all y’all make that all y’all let be too informed by your personal political sensibilities never make any money is because, well, your personal political sensibilities suck and normal people hate them.  This is not the fault of normal people, and neither is the fact that all y’all get incredibly whiny about having to go through the unbearable tedium of making movies that people will watch in sufficient quantities to support your collective hooker, cocaine, and left-wing liberal activism habits.  So when this turkey bombs and Streep discovers that her numbers are going to be down slightly for the rest of her career, try some introspection before all y’all start pitching a fit.


I-N-T-R-Oh, never mind.

Moe Lane Continue reading Hey, I guess I was wrong about something.