Give it a few years and IL will be doing *anything*.

Rough humor from the Onion:

The State of Illinois acknowledged last week that in an effort to stay afloat during the worst financial crisis in its history, it had begun performing in adult films.

Officials said that since ending the 2010 fiscal year with a record $4.7 billion in unpaid bills, Illinois has been actively pursuing roles in sexually explicit direct-to-DVD features, but is only doing so until it can get back on its feet.

…and a prime contender for a We-Thought-That-The-Onion-Joking post in a few years, unless we do something about the current government situation in Illinois…

Moe Lane

PS: I’m sorry, that should have been funnier. I’m very tired and worn out from two days of travel.

The DCCC’s Super-Genius November Strategy.

In the process of trying to convince people that Tom Perriello might possibly have a chance at keeping his seat in Virginia’s Fifth District (given Perriello’s bad habit of voting as directed by his party’s liberal leadership) against Robert Hurt, the Washington Post tried to trot out this particular line of nonse… ah, conventional wisdom:

Though polls suggest that Republicans are by far the more energized party this year, the Democrats argue that — unlike the last time they lost the House, in 1994 — they aren’t being caught off-guard.

Not off-guard?  Let’s take a look at the chart below. Continue reading The DCCC’s Super-Genius November Strategy.

#rsrh I TOLD you Rangel was a Gnostic!

I TOLD all of you. But did you listen? No. I was ignored. Ignored! But it’s downright obvious by now.  Don’t believe me?  Well, below is Charlie Rangel, explaining why he decided not to take a plea bargain:

How lucky are you when God tells you that you don’t have to take a plea … that you can tell them, let the facts speak for themselves.”

Fronting reporters later, Rangel changed his tune somewhat about any divine guidance he may have received, the New York Daily News reported.

“I exaggerated. I really didn’t talk to God … I said that in the heat of the campaign but no, she hasn’t spoken to me recently,” he said.

Bolding mine. With this use of the feminine pronoun Rep. Rangel’s clearly referring to Sophia there, which as everybody knows is one of the feminine manifestations of what Gnostics consider to be the true Godhead (not the Demiurge that created the world in mainstream Gnostic thought, of course).  It thus follows then that Rep. Rangel is engaging in a personalized metaphor where his life represents the entanglement of the soul in the corruption and dross materiality of this flawed universe; but just when it seems that the soul is trapped forever, Sophia comes to reveal to it an alternative to submitting to gross reality.  You can instead embrace the true, ethereal nature of the soul, and allow yourself to be in the corporeal world, but not of it – which will then allow you to suffer the physical world’s outrages and offenses against you as the meaningless acts that they are.  When it comes right down to it, this is pretty solid mysticism, here; and it’s also pretty brave of Rep. Rangel to demonstrate the worthlessness of the physical universe by using himself as the metaphysical canvas.  Truly, this man is an inspiration to esoteric adepts everywhere.

Alternatively, Charlie Rangel’s an idiot.

Moe Lane

PS: Michel Faulkner for Congress.

“Who is Elizabeth M. Ackland?”

No, I’m not doing an update of Atlas Shrugged – the name doesn’t really scan, does it? – but I’d like to note that Ms. Ackland features rather prominently in a Russ Feingold ad:

One of the people whose Russ Feingold’s tireless work in the Senate has benefited with a job!  Isn’t she lucky, in this wonderful, Democratic-controlled economic environment of 9.5% national unemployment!  Just one small problem, though: she’s apparently not real. Continue reading “Who is Elizabeth M. Ackland?”

Joel Demos (R CAND, MN-05).

This is one of those memorable campaign ads. To set up: Joel Demos is the only Republican candidate in the MN-05 primary next week, which means that he’s going to be the Republican nominee to face off against Keith Ellison. And, trust me: Joel is fully aware of what that means.

Actually, you don’t have to trust me. You just have to watch his own campaign video.

I was hoping for an interview today, but Joel works for a living. Check again next week.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, you may safely assume that Joel could use whatever you can spare.

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh Romer now unemployment statistic.


Huh.  When I heard that Christine “Eight Percent” Romer was off to spend more time with her family, I assumed that it meant that the jobs report today would be awful.  Which it was; but it wasn’t shockingly awful, if you know what I mean? By now we’re used to the economy being in neutral, or in this case, not actually being in the car anymore and flying through the air in front of us as the canyon floor looms ever larger.

Yup, we shed jobs again this month.  Twice as many as forecast. Continue reading #rsrh Romer now unemployment statistic.