Where are the adult Wisconsin Democrats?

Because somebody in the Wisconsin Democratic party needs to be the adult in the David Prosser/JoAnne Kloppenburg state Supreme Court recount, here.  This nonsense has gone on long enough: three weeks and a quarter-million taxpayer dollars later, it has – not ‘become’ obvious that Prosser has won.  It’s been obvious since they certified the results.  What’s more properly ‘become’ obvious is that the Kloppenburg camp has decided to simply wait until the recount is over, then challenge the results in court on the grounds of a Democrat lost/ they don’t like the results/democracy.  Which is why the Democrats are doing things like disenfranchising nuns; it’s all about the narrative that they hope to present, at this point.

As to why the Democrats need to find some adults, fast… it’s for their own self-preservation, really.  Shark & Shepherd gives the reason: even postulating that a successful challenge to and overthrow of legitimate election* results occurs (which neither he or I think is likely), the consequences to the Democratic party of Wisconsin would be disastrous. Continue reading Where are the adult Wisconsin Democrats?

Harry Reid’s unconstitutional oil bill.

You know, when you can’t even get Talking Points Memolook at the name, people – to sign off on your own side’s bill, you have a problem.  In this particular case: in his haste to throw up (use of term deliberate, of course) some sort of pseudo-clever agitprop on ending oil subsidies, the Transcendent Benevolent Cosmic Space Teacher currently manifesting in our dimension as Senator Harry Reid has forgotten one small, minor, technical detail.  To wit: as written the bill raises revenue, and all bills that raise revenue must originate in the House of Representatives.

Article I.  Section VII.

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

And this is why the new House leadership insisted – insisted – that the new session start with the Constitution being read.  It’s because you can never assume that any Democratic politician has read the blessed thing.

As they keep demonstrating.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh Here’s a third rail, Mr. President.

William McGurn would like you to grasp it firmly, please:

[NRO’s Reihan Salam], a policy adviser at the pro-market think tank Economics 21, observes that the revenues Mr. Obama needs to pay for his agenda fall in the rung just below the super-rich—that is, Americans earning between $100,000 and $200,000. The political problem is that this is a block that went Republican by 56% to 43% in 2010.


[TNR/Brooking Institute’s William Galston] cheerfully supports raising taxes on those with incomes between $100,000 and $250,000 to support progressive policies and help tame the deficit. He is simply honest enough to know that Mr. Obama cannot get the top 2% of income earners to pay for everything he has promised to do.

Stupidly promised to do, by the way.  Just to make that clear: insanely increasing spending to the point where you’ll have to explicitly break an explicit promise:

…is, well, insane.  And stupid.  And naive.  And kind of ignorant.  I can keep this going for a while, but you get the drift. Continue reading #rsrh Here’s a third rail, Mr. President.

#rsrh Arnold Schwarzenegger’s John Edwards moment.

Hey, remember when we were bummed that this guy couldn’t run for President*?

Schwarzenegger fathered a child with longtime member of household staff

His wife, Maria Shriver, moved out of their Brentwood mansion earlier this year after the former governor acknowledged the child was his. The staff member worked for the family for 20 years, retiring in January.

Yeah, well: dodged a bullet, there (this happened a decade ago). And I’m not going to come up with better snark on this than the first comment to this Hot Air Headlines post, so I’m not even going to try.

Moe Lane

*I will remind the snickering Left that they thought the same thing about Jennifer Granholm.  Hey, have I thanked the Democrats lately for outright giving us Michigan?  Much obliged, although you folks really did run the poor place into the ground and everything.

#rsrh Ta-Nehisi Coates is correct. (NSFW)

Yeah, I didn’t wake up expecting to write that today, either (I wonder if Glenn did).  Heck, I don’t even know if I agree with this

I’ve spent much of my adult life studying various theories of race and racism, and the last few years in a rather intensive mode of study. In all of that time one inescapable conclusion has dogged me: Race is such bullshit.

…in the same way that he does; but race is such bullshit.

And that’s all I feel like saying on that matter, actually.

Moe Lane

PS: Of course, I don’t particularly expect that Ta-Nehisi Coates is ready to abandon the roughly sixteen metaphorical tons of bad liberal/progressive/Democratic policy positions that rely on said bullshit being taken seriously.

#rsrh ‘Folsom Prison Blues (Live)’

This one goes out to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is currently enjoying a close-up, indefinite stay at Rikers Island.  Because the NYPD does not MESS AROUND, that’s why.


Folsom Prison Blues (Live), Johnny Cash

And, yes, they know PRECISELY just who you are.

#rsrh Time for another Organizing for America story!

You know the one: it’s the one where we get told about how OfA is… organizing itself for America.  The group’s getting itself together, rebuilding and getting ready for the titanic struggle of 2012!

…Which is not to be distinguished from the titanic struggle of 2009-2010, which utterly failed to stop the GOP from taking the New Jersey governorship, the Massachusetts Senator’s seat, and pretty much the entire state of Virginia.  Or the other titanic struggle of 2009-2010, which utterly failed to convince the American people that health care rationing was a good thing.  And, wait, there’s that third titanic struggle of 2009-2010, which utterly failed to keep the Republican party from retaking the House of Representatives, literally decimating the Senate Democratic caucus, and cleaning up in state legislatures across the country.

Heck of a lot of titanic struggles there, really.  Fortunately, they all had happy endings.

You know, I had a point to all of this; really, I did.  At least, I had one besides ‘genial mockery.’  But I’m blessed if I can figure out what it is, at this point.

Moe Lane


Taking a break from The Witcher…

…which is thankfully getting a whole lot less pound-my-head-against-a-wall, now that I understand a little better how to do combat.  Overall, pretty fun: the Central/Eastern Europe 17th century vibe is very good, but there are issues with combat being sticky.  Also, I’m already lost in the plot and it’s only Act 2.  Bottom line: having fun, will play the sequel if they’ve really fixed the quirks in this one, but I wish that Mass Effect 3 hadn’t been delayed three months.