#rsrh Andrew Sullivan’s revelation: it’s all because of the Jooosss…

…that people panned Obama’s inability to check before insisting that Israel give back East Jerusalem.

At least, the Bad Jooosss: the ones that live in Israel and supposedly run American foreign policy.  And the American media.  And, apparently, bloggers (which apparently includes people like me*). Andy, Andy, Andy.  Real Americans don’t have to be paid to respect magnificently tough sons of bitches that have held off everything thrown at them for sixty-three years and counting.  That they’re also a functioning and prosperous democracy in a sea of kleptocracies and failed states is merely icing on the cake.

Ach, well: the tertiary stage of conspiracy theorizing has been long known.

Moe Lane

*Gotta love those checks from the International Zionist Conspiracy.

Tim Pawlenty comes out against farm subsidies. In Iowa.

In his official speech kicking off his campaign:

I’m here today to tell Iowans the truth, too.

America is facing a crushing debt crisis the likes of which we’ve never seen before.  We need to cut spending, and we need to cut it…big time. The hard truth is that there are no longer any sacred programs.

The truth about federal energy subsidies, including federal subsidies for ethanol, is that they have to be phased out.  We need to do it gradually.  We need to do it fairly.  But we need to do it.

Continue reading Tim Pawlenty comes out against farm subsidies. In Iowa.

#rsrh Hey, it’s Cynthia McKinney!

Who is not committing treason by going onto Libyan TV to attack the USA and provide pro-Qaddafi propaganda – but that’s only because President Barack Obama is in flagrant violation of the War Powers Act.

We call that a ‘missed opportunity,’ Mr. President.  Trust me: locking up Tripoli Cyndi* for treason – or at least sedition; surely we could make a sedition charge stick –  would get you a point back with Republicans, at no cost to anybody else’s support.  It would have been a no-brainer, is what I’m saying.

Via Weasel Zippers.

Moe Lane

*The final ‘i’ added with malice aforethought.

Annnnnnd Tim Pawlenty’s in, with ‘A Time for Truth.’ [UPDATE!]

[UPDATE]  Whoa, whoa, WHOA.  Tim Pawlenty’s going to start off his candidacy by ‘speaking truthfully about farm subsidies‘?

Speaking truthfully about farm subsidies?


Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty released this video (“A Time For Truth”) last night:

…and he’s going to be formally announcing his candidacy at a town hall today in Iowa.  My basic take from both the video above, and the excerpts from his planned speech that I’ve seen: Pawlenty’s going to be focused primarily on going after the President, and not worry quite so much about his fellow-Republican candidates.  At least, that’s the impression that I get from him taking the opportunity in both to essentially call the President a liar… Continue reading Annnnnnd Tim Pawlenty’s in, with ‘A Time for Truth.’ [UPDATE!]

#rsrh DSK Watch: nice… asterisks.

The UK Daily Mail quite self-consciously (and quite rightly) considers itself a step above the British tabloids, or perhaps a step and a half.  Or an entire flight of stairs, for that matter.  But they are British, and thus will happily report salacious details… if they’ve been suitably bowdlerized, of course.

Disgraced banker Dominique Strauss-Kahn told an Air France hostess she had a ‘nice a**e’ just moments before police hauled him off his flight, it has been claimed.

You have to wonder if this guy is all there, or something.  In terms of karma?  That’s Just Asking For It.

#rsrh Old Line Elephant has a good take…

…on the entire Harold Camping Rapture mess.  And it is a mess: a lot of those folks made some poor life choices* in the run-up for what turned out to be the end of the world.  Like OLE, I can only counsel understanding on everyone’s parts: understanding of the perils of false (or at least incorrect) prophets on the part of those who believed, and understanding of the temptation of false (or at least incorrect) prophets on the part of those who did not.

After all, we’re all Bozos on this bus.

Via Jimmie Bise.

Moe Lane

*I don’t actually mean things like “gave all their money to charity,” although I understand that to a strict materialist that sort of thing might seem functionally equivalent to “wrecked their credit rating on fancy cars.”  Then again, I am religious, and I do think that alleviating the suffering of the needy will eventually rebound to the giver’s benefit.

Tim Pawlenty will officially be running for President tomorrow.

The word is that former Governor Tim Pawlenty will officially announce tomorrow in a town hall in Des Moines, Iowa; judging from his campaign videos, this will be heralded by an overflight of a squadron of F-15E Strike Eagles, an announcement that Minnesota genetic researchers have recreated the passenger pigeon, and T-Paw personally leading a mission to disable the Yellowstone super-volcano caldera before it erupts and destroys the North American continent.

Also, there will be pie.

I kid, I kid: but Tim Pawlenty is certainly taking this campaign highly seriously, and I expect that he’ll be upping said campaigning a good deal in the next few months. With Mike Huckabee and Mitch Daniels out, it’s increasingly looking like Pawlenty is lining up to be the guy to go to if you don’t want to support Romney*. Despite the fact that (at the moment) I am tending towards formally personally endorsing Pawlenty for the nomination, I would actually prefer that the field remain crowded for a bit longer. If only because it frustrates the Democrats so not to have an obvious target for their upcoming smear campaign.

Last thought: you have to wonder whether Rick Perry of Texas is taking a second look. Right now Pawlenty’s in an excellent position to clean up in South Carolina, but Perry could win that state’s primary.

Moe Lane (crosspost)


Continue reading Tim Pawlenty will officially be running for President tomorrow.