#rsrh A head’s-up on the Obama fundraising thing.

I’ve noticed that folks like Jim Geraghty and Legal Insurrection are pointing out that the President’s fund-raising team is currently acting as if they’re absolutely desperate for last-minute contributions to Obama’s reelection campaign.  Like Jim, I’d like to remind folks that back in 2008 the Obama campaign notoriously poor-mouthed its fundraising every month… so don’t be surprised if they try this sort of thing again.  As I’ve noted before, these people aren’t what you’d call real original.  We’ll know in a couple of weeks what the real totals are.

Not that it matters as much this go-round, thanks to the Supreme Court reestablishing some basic free-speech sanity with Citizens United

“It’s a good life…”

“…having idiots hate you.”

Moe Lane

PS: That link is not to what just caused my wife to shake her head and mock-sadly tell my eldest, “Son, Daddy is a troll.”  Which I totally am, by the way.

No, that’s not the link, either.  The link is being suppressed because… well, because I’m a troll.  A bit of a sadist, too.

#rsrh The failure of the Activist Left…

in one handy sentence:

Their questions, about Obama’s economic appointments and about his messaging problems, all began with some variation of “I’m going to vote for Obama again, and work for him, but …”

Let me channel the administration’s effective response to any question that starts in such a fashion:

  • Really?
  • Then shut up.
  • Get out your wallet.
  • Sit down.
  • Do as you’re bid.
  • Say “Thank you” afterward.

Continue reading #rsrh The failure of the Activist Left…


I suspect that the Democratic party probably doesn’t want to ever see this sentence from a Harvard statistical survey appear in a news story:

Taken together, the results indicate that Fourth of July celebrations in the United States shape the nation’s political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation, primarily in favor of the Republican party.

…for fairly obvious reasons .  Short version: going to Fourth of July celebrations (using a statistical rule of thumb* of good weather = participation) as a child results in an increased possibility of voting Republican as an adult (it apparently doesn’t move the needle at all when it comes to voting Democratic).  Oh, and progressives are why the Fourth became a public secular holiday in the first place**.  Lastly: if you want to zap your kids into patriotism and/or Republicanism, the key dates to get them to a parade are from 7 to 10 for later partisan identification, and 15 to 18 for increased voter participation. Continue reading Fourth of July: REPUBLICAN BREEDING GROUND!!!!!

#rsrh Does Dick Durbin LIKE tormenting kids?

I mean, it’s kind of cruel to lie and tell a bunch of foreign-born young people (illegal aliens, to be precise) that they, too could be President some day.

Because, well, they can’t.  They’re not native born citizens.  Which Dick knows; indeed, he probably has that portion of the Constitution freaking memorized by now, given how often his party has been screaming about the Dread Birther Menace since 2008. There’s really no excuse to get that wrong if you’re a sitting Senator, in other words.  Continue reading #rsrh Does Dick Durbin LIKE tormenting kids?