#rsrh I am manfully resisting the urge…

…to scream “I told you so!” over and over again at this realization.

…ultimately I have to admit that my thinking has changed. I wouldn’t want President McCain in office, but having seen the damage that President Obama has done, we’d have been better off without him in office. In short, I should have voted for McCain, despite my serious reservations and dislike of the man. I was wrong.

Because screaming is not helpful.
Screaming is not helpful.
Screaming is not helpful

Moe Lane

(H/T: Instapundit)

A PSA for the failed #OccupyDC barn-builders.

Well… shed builders, at least.  Seriously, that’s not even close to being a barn.

Moving along: as the link above notes, some of the people ‘occupying’ DC tried to put up a wooden structure today… and, apparently, was not able to get the blessed thing even half-done before the cops finally decided to put this exercise in sustained disdain for property rights out of its misery.  As I understand it, before the end public urination was featured… which is how you know that it was an official Occupation, apparently.  I swear, these people have absolutely no control over their bowels… Continue reading A PSA for the failed #OccupyDC barn-builders.

#rsrh Occupiers now trying to build permanent structures?

For real?

Um.  NO.  You can’t do that.  We have this thing called “property rights” – yes, yes, I know, Marxists consider that to be a swear phrase.  But then, Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people.  Anyway.  STOP this, Occupiers.  There are RULES.

Learn them.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Yeah, don’t make the welkin ring for Occupy Richmond…

…just because they’re ostensibly ‘backing’ the Richmond Tea Party in the RTP’s dispute with the City of Richmond. For those who don’t remember: the RTP pointed out that the city of Richmond allowed the Occupiers much more leeway in terms of permitting and fee paying than they did the Tea Partiers, and the city of Richmond responded by auditing the Richmond Tea Party.  Now Occupy Richmond has weighed in on the matter, on RTP’s side – but I personally wouldn’t trust them on this, frankly.

Why?  Well, this is the important sentence in the Reuters article:

The statement ultimately called on the city to drop the Tea Party audit and refund any money the group has paid to secure “free speech and assembly privileges.”

Translation: Occupy Richmond doesn’t want to have to start paying its fair share, and following the law, when it does its protests.  And they know darn well that the RTP will continue to do both of its own free will, because a fundamental respect for the law and other citizens is as integral to the Tea Party movement as defecating in public is to the Occupiers.  So there’s no real downside for Occupy Richmond to weigh in like this.

Just saying – and if you don’t believe me, hey, it’s easy to check.  Ask an Occupier when they’re going to pay the proper fees in Richmond, and see what happens.

Moe Lane

I hear that there’s good eating on a mammoth…

…not that I’d know, given that my primitive ancestors ate them to death, the greedy SOBs.  Not be all cranktastic or anything, but the folks who want to go on and on about how modern man is so much less in tune with the rhythms of Gaea than his forefathers were should go look up what happened to the North American ecological system once humanity colonized the continent (spoiler warning: we ate it).  Anyway, they’re bringing back the woolly mammoth!  I’ll have mine medium-well, with a nice lingonberry wine reduction sauce.  Unless there’s going to be ribs…

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Friday’s Fast & Furious Fallout: Fatal Falsehoods From Feds?

To give a quick background: Operation Fast & Furious, of course, was an incredibly botched government program where federal law enforcement agencies handed over firearms willy-nilly to Mexican narco-terrorists and then lost track of the weapons… no, really, that’s what they did, and the next person who comes up with a legitimate and/or sane reason for them doing that will be the first.  As you might imagine, Congressional watchdogs – Republican ones; the Democrats are largely hiding from this one  – are a bit perturbed about this, not least because it turns out that the Justice Department gave out patently false information when asked about it the first time.  Which is to say, DoJ denied that it handed over firearms willy-nilly to Mexican narco-terrorists and then lost track of the weapons.

At any rate, I think that the paragraph quoted below from the AP piece tells you everything that you need to know about why the official Obama administration’s response to inquiries about Fast & Furious is widely considered to have been insufficient, inexcusable, inappropriate, and just plain insolent: Continue reading Friday’s Fast & Furious Fallout: Fatal Falsehoods From Feds?