NH Romney surrogate tells us to settle for his candidate.

Via CNS (via Hot Air) comes this ‘argument’ from NH Romney supporter and state Senator Gary Lambert. To summarize it, Lambert wants us all to sit down, shut up, and endorse Romney despite the fact that Lambert himself is tacitly conceding that Romney does not share conservatives’ principles and beliefs.

No, really. Continue reading NH Romney surrogate tells us to settle for his candidate.

#rsrh Glenns Greenwalds are whining again.

Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds notes – not publicly gleefully – that Glenns Greenwalds are very upset.  It seems that Greenwalds are bothered by the fact that while it was apparently OK to call Reynolds evil for endorsing a targeted assassination program against Iranian nuclear weapons engineers and terrorist-enabling mullahs, it’s apparently not OK for Obama to be criticized for effectively signing off on such a program.  It’s apparently even worse to publicly approve of Ron Paul’s Israel views when compared to Barack Obama’s.  Poor Greenwalds are feeling aggrieved. And betrayed. And scorned.

In order: Continue reading #rsrh Glenns Greenwalds are whining again.

You know, I know that I’m supposed to be worried by this ME3 article…

listing the potential, possible, not anywhere near confirmed as even being plausible problems with Mass Effect 3: but I am afraid that I am too pleased with the news that I will have Counselor Anderson as a playable NPC for a portion of the game.

This guy:

That was easily one of the most satisfying cutscenes in Mass Effect.

Still, please, God, don’t let it suck.

Moe Lane

#rsrh …This is almost better than Aldrin punching that Moon Hoax guy. (NSFW)

“Almost” because actual video of Buzz punching a guy is better than simply being told how a Navy SEAL cold-cocked Jesse Ventura for… dagnabbit, Allahpundit at Hot Air summarized it perfectly with the title, and I don’t want to rip him off.

Video below: it contains serious profanity, and you will vicariously enjoy every second of it.


Always nice when actions have consequences, huh?