Annnnnd now VA AG Cuccinelli is *not* backing changing the primary ballot.

Interesting; and a pretty strong reversal from Saturday’s statement.

“I obviously feel very strongly that Virginia needs to change its ballot access requirements for our statewide elections,” Cuccinelli said in a statement.

“However, after working through different scenarios with Republican and Democratic leaders to attempt to make changes in time for the 2012 presidential election, my concern grows that we cannot find a way to make such changes fair to the Romney and Paul campaigns that qualified even with Virginia’s burdensome system.

“A further critical factor that I must consider is that changing the rules midstream is inconsistent with respecting and preserving the rule of law — something I am particularly sensitive to as Virginia’s attorney general.”

Continue reading Annnnnd now VA AG Cuccinelli is *not* backing changing the primary ballot.

My mini-reivew of the Zombie Bible texts.

Fair warning: both Zombie Bible: Death Has Come Up into Our Windows (Kindle Single) and Zombie Bible: What Our Eyes Have Witnessed are what is implied by the title ‘Zombie Bible.’  Which is to say, they are both stories in which events from Jewish and early Christian Church history (specifically, the persecution of the Prophet Jeremiah and the martyrdom of St. Polycarp) are altered to incorporate the existence and menace of the standard Romero-Brooks slow zombie.  If you find this blasphemous, so be it.  However, they are nonetheless not bad stories; the author may have an axe or two to grind over certain theological points of order (most people do, I’ve found), but he at least knows said theology; and either knows Classical/Biblical history, or is able to fake it well. There’s some decent thinking in here about the nature of God, the nature of the Undead, and a bit about the method how we approach either tells us a bit about ourselves, too.  Lastly, good felicity of style, if a bit introspective.

Plus, they’re on the Kindle, so they’re pretty cheap.  Good waiting-for-the-train books; check them out.

“What game to buy on Steam?” quandary.

So I’m looking at my Steam account (moe.lane, by the way; I understand that people can friend each other on that service, or something) and I’m seeing that LA Noire is being offered at 75% off ($12.49) and Batman: Arkham City is being offered at 50% off ($24.99).  I can manage to swing one of these; anybody got an opinion?  I like the noir genre, and I play action games; I’ve also heard people rave on and on about both of these.  Feedback?  The sale ends at about noon January 2nd.

#rsrh Occupy Wall Street starts 2012 with aggravated assault.

Yup.  You’re all shocked.  Short version: dirty hippie wannabes tried to take over Zuccotti Park, cops kept them out, cop gets stabbed with scissors, dirty hippie wannabes try to keep cop from getting to the hospital.  You know, at some point these people are going to start plotting about how best to off them some cops.  Or maybe some soldiers.  Or dependents of either (they’re usually softer targets).  That’s how it usually ends: start with the SDS, end with the Weathermen…

Moe Lane

Via JWF, via AoSHQ Headlines.

Duelling narratives on Iowa ground game?

Or, Always get involved in a ground war in Iowa.

If you want to really appreciate the chaotic nature of the pre-caucus environment in Iowa right now, contemplate the two stories below (both via Hot Air Headlines):

  • People reading the New York Times are being told, effectively, that the ground game race is effectively between the technocratic Mitt Romney and the plucky Rick Santorum (with his 1,000 precinct leaders!), with the weird Ron Paul only still on the board because of the cult-like devotion of his campaign staff.  I’m paraphrasing, mind you, but you can tell that the NYT writes for an audience who considers Mitt Romney the least incomprehensible specimen of that most exotic (and no doubt poison-secreting) species known as Republicans.
  • Meanwhile, people reading CNN are being told that Rick Perry has recruited over 1,500 precinct leaders, covering 95% of the 1,700+ caucuses (some precincts are combined into one location); and that neither Romney’s or Paul’s organizations are ready to give that information out.  Note that the CNN article is not precisely complimentary to Perry in its tone: articles that start with “Even as they grapple with mediocre poll numbers, a gaffe-prone candidate and internal staff feuding…” rarely are.

Continue reading Duelling narratives on Iowa ground game?

Your 2012 baseline for ‘pathetic.’

Being this bitterly envious and jealous of… Ezra Klein.


Talk about lowered expectations: I sincerely hope that somebody will intervene before I ever get this bad.

Moe Lane

PS: Seriously: this is so inane that it wasn’t even worth a RedHot.