#rsrh Shocker: David Brock of Media Matters apparently as crazy…

…as a shi… err, outhouse rat:

David Brock was smoking a cigarette on the roof of his Washington, D.C. office one day in the late fall of 2010 when his assistant and two bodyguards suddenly appeared and whisked him and his colleague Eric Burns down the stairs.

Brock, the head of the liberal nonprofit Media Matters for America, had told friends and co-workers that he feared he was in imminent danger from right-wing assassins and needed a security team to keep him safe.

The threat he faced while smoking on his roof? “Snipers,” a former co-worker recalled.

(Via Instapundit) For the record, I’d like to note that the VRWC has not sent out ninja, zombies, the Mossad, the Texas Rangers, button men from Dover, wise guys, albino assassins, rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nimwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits*, muggers, [ahem], bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, [ahem], train robbers, bank robbers, [rear]-kickers, [excrement]-kickers, and/or Methodists** against Mr. Brock, for three reasons: Continue reading #rsrh Shocker: David Brock of Media Matters apparently as crazy…

RS at CPAC: Trey Radel (R CAND, FL-14 PRI).

Trey is running in Connie Mack’s seat; Connie Mack, of course, is running in the FL-SEN Republican primary in order to make doubly sure that none of us ever have to remember which Senator Nelson was which, ever again.  Trey and I didn’t really discuss that; but we did talk about the race, and CPAC.

Trey’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS at CPAC: Ted Cruz (R CAND, TX-SEN PRI).

Ted Ctuz is an old friend of RedState, of course: so we made sure to spend a couple of minutes talking about the race, how the ongoing redistricting dispute in Texas is making everybody’s elections difficult, and about CPAC generally.  And if you’re wondering why a Texas federal Senate race would be affected by redistricting, it’s because nobody really wants to have three primary dates this year.  Anyway, we chatted for a bit:

Ted’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS at CPAC: Rep. Sandy Adams (R, FL-24)

Rep. Sandy Adams is a freshman legislator who is now running for re-election in the new FL-07 district (the maps were thoroughly shifted around as per the redistricting process in Florida); as a result, she’ll be running a contested primary with Rep. John Mica.  Sandy and I talked a bit about that race, as well as CPAC generally:

Rep. Adams’ site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS at CPAC: Mia Love (R CAND, UT-04 PRI).

We’ve spoken before: Mia is the mayor of Saratoga Springs in the new UT-04 district, and if she wins the primary she hopes to beat Jim Matheson in the general.  We spoke for a few minutes at CPAC:

Mia’s site is here.  I don’t often say this, but if I lived in this district I’d be voting for her.  Which is no reflection on the other candidates, of course.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh “Nah, I’ll just beat him now.”

Come, I will conceal nothing from you. I just did not not finish this Tom Friedman article: I didn’t even really start it.  I read the excerpts over at Hot Air Headlines, got as far as Friedman begging the GOP to sit out 2012, and had this clip pop into mind:

I know that this is kind of embarrassing to admit, but I in fact liked Happy Gilmore.  It had its moments, and the one above is one of them.

Anyway, felt no real need to finish the article after that. Or start it, really.

“No Surrender.” (Acoustic)

No Surrender, Bruce Springsteen

Note that the Amazon link is to the considerably more hard-rocking version.  Not voluntarily, mind you: it’s heresy of me to even hint at this, but I kind of like this one when it’s done low and slow.


…which is entertaining, because two years ago I had the exact opposite opinion.  And two years from now I will probably flip-flop again.

QotD, I Can’t Eexactly Argue This Edition.

Cracked.com, as part of one of its list posts.

In DuckTales, every single episode is basically about Scrooge and the nephews hunting for treasure or protecting Scrooge’s money or diving into giant swimming pools of coins (something that almost certainly would have happened in [Atlas] Shrugged had it not been cut to make room for 25,000 words about the tensile strength of railroad tracks).

Ayn Rand really, really needed an editor. Continue reading QotD, I Can’t Eexactly Argue This Edition.

RS at CPAC: EJ Otero (R CAND, FL-11 PRI).

Florida is volatile, this cycle: the combination of redistricting, the adding of two seats, and the status of Florida as a battleground state has caused for a lot of jockeying for positioning and seats.  It was pretty much a relief to speak to Col. E.J. Otero, USAF (Ret.), who simply wants to toss out the liberal Kathy Castor from the 11th district. As usual, we talked about CPAC and this race.

Col. Otero’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

RS at CPAC: Richard Mourdock (R CAND, IN-SEN PRI).

This particular interview with Richard – we’ve talked with him before about the race – is of interest for another reason: Dave Weigel of Slate happened to reference it in his day-in-the-life article about Richard Mourdock at CPAC.  I don’t have any actual beef with Weigel’s reporting of anything that I was involved with – I did ask those questions, more or less, and I was ready to get started on the entire interview rodeo – but it may prove instructive to see the difference between the interview, and the way Dave described it.  Nothing pernicious, but interesting.

Said interview is below:

…and Richard’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)