RS at CPAC: Sen. Ron Johnson (R, WI).

I have a lot of these, and probably more getting generated tomorrow – but I didn’t want to not get at least one of these done this evening.  This clip is of Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who of course came out of nowhere in 2010 to neatly excise Russ Feingold from his Senate seat.  Which was personally one of the more satisfying results of the last election cycle: partially because Feingold’s assault on free speech was a constant irritation to me, and partially because the best presents are often the ones that you weren’t expecting.

At any rate, the Senator and I spoke briefly about CPAC.  Check out the video.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Drudge sums it up: “JUDGE: Whales not slaves…”

I’m not sure that I’m ready to forgive CBS this opening sentence:

An effort to free whales from SeaWorld by claiming they were enslaved made a splash in the news but flopped in court Wednesday.

It’s just the tiniest bit tedious in its punditry.

Moe Lane

PS: Via Drudge, obviously.

PS: Due to PETA, just as obviously.  I’d go eat some orcas in response, except that I actually like orcas.

#rsrh The Wi-Fi’s down at this point….

…which means that the video that I just put together via iMovie is going to have to wait until I get home. Heh. So much for on the fly video processing, huh?

Still, no worries; got a lot of useful footage today, which was the idea. There are a bunch more legislators and candidates and whatnot at CPAC than I remember from years past, and they’re more serious than I remember them being, too. Which is to be expected, really.

#rsrh (CPAC) Hey, I have a keyboard again!

Not unrelated to the fact that Blogger’s Row is filling up; I eventually found somebody with a charger with the right power connection.

We got a lot of New Media folks here today. And folks running for office: I’m hoping for a good number of candidate and politician interviews. Already got Richard Mourdock, who’s in the middle of a primary run for Senate in Indiana.

#rsrh Now here at CPAC…

And if you are here and you happen to have an iPad with a Logitech keyboard with you PLEASE stop by Blogger’s Row; I did not bring a charger for my keyboard and I am even now screen-typing.

More seriously, we’re hoping to get a bunch of interviews out of this, as usual.

Proposed ‘Pelosi Provision’ of the STOCK Act unveiled yesterday.

The STOCK Act – which is short for the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act; honestly, I wish that they’d stop coming up with cute names for these.  This particular one is not really obnoxious, but some of them have really reached for the acronym – started to get really pushed through last year, once it came out that Members of Congress, including then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, were profiting unduly from legal insider trading*.  I call it ‘legal’ not in the sense that there was nothing wrong with said insider trading; I call it ‘legal’ because Congress exempted itself from the rules that the rest of us have to follow. The distinction is important.  It’s perfectly legal for, say, Senator Dianne Feinstein to buy into a biostock company just before the company picks up a fat government subsidy check, even if she knew about it ahead of time.  That’s the problem.

Anyway, one of the more egregious things being done – again, involving then-Speaker Pelosi in at least one case – was the practice of offering Members of Congress a favorable position from which to buy into an IPO.  Pelosi in particular used this practice to buy into a Visa IPO, right before credit card legislation that hampered Visa got somehow sidetracked in Congress for a year; she ended up making a killing on the (again, ‘LEGAL’) deal.  And, naturally, the amendment that would ban this practice in the future has been named the ‘Pelosi Provision’ by Republicans.  By all accounts, the former Speaker is unhappy about this; I am uncertain whether or not that she is as unhappy about this as I am that the woman made several million unfortunately-legal dollars off of her former position to manipulate and delay legislation, but I somehow doubt it. Continue reading Proposed ‘Pelosi Provision’ of the STOCK Act unveiled yesterday.