Gov. Bob McDonnell (R, VA) signs Voter ID bill.

Because statewide elections matter

Executive summary: the new legislation now requires people filling out provisional ballots from lack of acceptable ID at the polling station “to subsequently submit identification to the electoral board if they want their vote to be counted.”  The list of acceptable forms of ID was also expanded to include things like current utility bills and valid student IDs, which will no doubt raise eyebrows among people familiar with voter fraud; but making voters responsible for verifying their own provisional ballots is a pretty important step.

Naturally, agents of the Left (like Anna Scholl of ProgressVA) are livid about this legislation passing.  As usual, they’re taking the (heavily racist) position that black people are too stupid to remember to bring their voter registration card, Social Security card, driver’s license, state college ID, employee photo ID, utility bill, bank statement, government check, and/or paycheck to the polling station*. Or perhaps Scholl simply doesn’t believe that black people have any of those things: it’s been my experience that hardcore progressive activists are often suffering from raging cases of epistemic closure… Continue reading Gov. Bob McDonnell (R, VA) signs Voter ID bill.

#rsrh So… what would be the HYPOTHETICAL worth of a copy of Obama’s college transcripts?

Note the use of the word ‘hypothetical,’ there: I am not suggesting that anyone do anything illegal (‘immoral’ is one of those words that is a bit more flexible in context).  I am merely trying to figure out what the market value would be for the full student file from Barack Obama’s days at Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard University.  And I don’t mean mere academic transcripts: Roger Simon is correct in that the entrance applications would be the important thing.  Anyway, I imagine that a verifiable copy of that data might go for a hefty sum on the open market: I can’t imagine any of those three student files going for less than a hundred grand apiece.  Acquiring the whole thing at once would probably require starting the bidding at a half-million.

Hypothetically.  Besides, here we are assuming that there are individuals or groups out there with deep enough pockets that would be willing to pay that kind of money…

Moe Lane

PS: Alas, this hypothetical discussion must by its very nature exclude the Romney campaign, which needs to stay very busy discussing the economy.  In fact, they should probably REPUDIATE this entire hypothesis.

PPS: What?  No, I am quite convinced that Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen who was born in Hawaii.  But it would be instructive – again, as Roger Simon noted – whether a young, more-foolish Obama may have… tweaked his personal history a bit, yes?

#rsrh Democrats no longer pretending to respect their own primary process.

This is a pretty naked allegation:

Regardless of Tuesday’s outcome [in Arkansas], the National Democratic Party seem determined to make sure that embarrassments in Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and West Virginia do not materialize as any dissenting delegate votes when the presidential roll is called in Charlotte, N.C. in September.

The short version in this case is that Democrat John Wolfe is poised to do well enough in next week’s Arkansas primary to theoretically get delegates.  The thing is, he won’t – the Democratic party has already announced that he’s ineligible to get any, because he’s not Barack Obama.  Oh, I’m sure that there’s an ostensible excuse being offered, but why pretend that it matters?  It doesn’t for the Democrats, after all. Continue reading #rsrh Democrats no longer pretending to respect their own primary process.

“Who was that lady I saw you with last night,” Tom Barrett? #wirecall

…Oh, relax: it’s an old vaudville/movie routine.  You know: “That was no lady: that was my wife.”  Yeah, that one’s older than my parents, let alone me.  Still: why exactly did Democratic Wisconsin recall gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett shrug off ceremonies honoring Milwaukee policemen this week?  Including one on Wednesday that honored Milwaukee cops slain in the line of duty?  I ask… well, mostly because I figure that the answer is going to embarrass Tom Bartlett; but also because Barrett likes to talk a lot about how Governor Scott Walker is supposedly campaigning at the expense of his job.  Which makes Walker’s presence at a function that Barrett was absent from – we can all agree that honoring slain Milwaukee policemen is part of the job of Mayor of Milwaukee, surely? – somewhat, well, awkward.

Hey!  That describes the Wisconsin Democratic party’s current rhetorical position, too!  It’s all cyclic, isn’t it…

Continue reading “Who was that lady I saw you with last night,” Tom Barrett? #wirecall

#rsrh QotD, It Explains So Much Edition.

Erick got in a couple of good digs in about the revelation that Barack Obama’s own press agents had lied by advertising Obama as being Kenyan-born for a decade (for the record: I am as hard on Birthers here as we are on RedState, and we ban Birthers on sight at RedState), so read the whole thing.  A taste:

Barack Obama embellishing his biography to make himself look unique? Hardly worthy of press attention. In fact, nothing Barack Obama has done suggesting serious character flaws — and that’s what this is about — is ever worth the media’s collective attention. Why? Because some people think Barack Obama was born in Kenya, but much of the press corps is pretty damn sure he was born in Bethlehem.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, It Explains So Much Edition.