Democrats pass on chance to neutralize Cardinal Dolan appearance at RNC.

You’d think that somebody would have jumped on Timothy Cardinal Dolan’s offer, given that the cardinal’s agreement to offer a prayer at the RNC was a pretty big deal.  Dolan runs the Archdiocese of New York, as well as the Conference of Catholic Bishops.  If you need to know what that means, in practical terms, that’s actually easy to show: he’s the equivalent of this guy (mild language warning*)

The one nodding at 3:00. Continue reading Democrats pass on chance to neutralize Cardinal Dolan appearance at RNC.

#rsrh QotD, Would That I Could Say The Same edition.

Because there’s a part of me that envies the man for his ability to get away from all of this sh*t.

“I crawled out of the swamp, and I’m not crawling back in,” [George W Bush] said in a rare interview with the Hoover Institution this year.

(H/T: @jimgeraghty) Goodness knows that Bush deserves retirement and all that; and that his job was eight years’ worth of killing stress. Still, it’d be nice not to have to care about what the hell they’re up to, down there in Dizzy City…

#rsrh I admit it: I blanked on Stephen Breyer.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines.)  Then again, so does everybody else.

The most anonymous member of the court, according to the survey, was Stephen Breyer, with 3% of respondents naming him. Justices Anthony Kennedy (10%), Samuel Alito (5%) and Elena Kagan (4%) each were named by 10% or fewer of the people surveyed.

Seriously… what the heck has Stephen Breyer done, while on the Court? Even his Wikipedia entry can’t come up with anything interesting.  He’s the Herb Kohl of the Supreme Court! Continue reading #rsrh I admit it: I blanked on Stephen Breyer.

I was going to write up something on this Lance Armstrong thing…

…but Erick Erickson pretty much covered everything that I would have.  Starting with my essential disinterest in the sport itself; which means that I think that this is pretty much the first time that the  USADA/Lance Armstrong controversy has pinged my radar.  Frankly, the USADA is coming across as a collection of bureaucratic, taxpayer funded jackasses.

Oh, I’m sure that they have their defenders: and, at a guess, I’ll get at least one of them in comments.  Which is fine: just remember.  That a taxpayer-funded, apparently unaccountable organization seems to be so determined to put its worst foot forward is not my PR problem…

#rsrh Did you know that Republicans can smell fear?

Oh, yeah, we can totally do that.  And I’m smelling it now.

Bucking protocol, President Obama and the Democrats are planning a full-scale assault on Republicans next week during their convention.

Presidential candidates have traditionally kept a low profile during their opponent’s nominating celebration, but Democrats are throwing those rules out the window in an attempt to spoil Mitt Romney’s coronation as the GOP nominee.

And Barack Obama, once again, destroys a tradition of the political process in his madcap, futile attempt to somehow squeeze a reelection win out of the electorate this year.  Because this is what happens when you promote someone far past his level of incompetence.  Like, say, Barack Obama.

Bless his heart.

Moe Lane

PS: Via Instapundit. Who notes, by the way, that Obama for America is more or less volunteering to be responsible for any convention protests that get… out of hand.

#rsrh Yeah, suppose that I should mention it at this point.

Thanks to a set of circumstances that I’m not going to get into right now, I am not going to the Republican convention next week.  Flatteringly, the RNC’s about as unhappy about that as I am; and, on the bright side, it kind of means a quietish week at home.  Goodness knows I’m going to need it.