Who is this person, and what did she do with @kirstenpowers10?

I kept waiting to be irritated by something that Kirsten Powers said about the Media, the Media’s hysterical reaction to what Romney said, and the Media’s non-reaction to what Obama said.


Via The Gateway Pundit.

Moe Lane

PS: I happen to agree with Ace of AoSHQ: Powers will still probably pull the lever in November for Obama. But, still, just in case: come to the Dark Side, Kirsten Powers. We have cookies.

Cops bust vast …what do you call those little airline booze bottle things, anyway?… theft ring.

Look, I don’t want to dismiss this story, entirely:

Eighteen airport workers were arrested for the theft of thousands of tiny liquor bottles, as well as duty free merchandise, from the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, officials announced Wednesday.

During the investigation – dubbed “Operation Last Call” – the airport employees allegedly made off with over 100,000 of the mini bottles, as well as duty-free items – such as larger bottles of liquor, perfume, and cartons of cigarettes – with an overall estimated retail value of more than $750,000, according to the Queens District Attorney’s Office.

After all, as was pointed out in the article: “breaches in airline security” is not exactly a phrase that reassures people these days.  But I do want to know what the airline thinks is the actual, true value of one of those little bottles of booze.  Because I don’t think that it’s fair to calculate it based on what you can gouge out of somebody who is in the air and kind of in need of something that will make the flight go less excruciatingly. I think that’s reasonable, surely? Continue reading Cops bust vast …what do you call those little airline booze bottle things, anyway?… theft ring.

#rsrh Obama reverses himself on his Egypt gaffe.

Jeff Emanuel has the details – short version; “Obama’s “ally” comment was not pre-arranged or prepared by staff and that the question was not anticipated,” which is semantically equivalent to “Barack Obama shoots first and aims later” – but I’d like to tie this all together and point out; the last 48 hours have been not the regular media’s best days.  In fact, as Erick rather bluntly put it, The American Media Beclowned Themselves by harping on what was pretty much a non-controversial comment by Romney; it makes their coverage of Obama’s inability to remember what an ally is – and this is something that we pretty much do expect members of the executive branch to keep track of, because it’s part of their jobs – a bit more difficult.  They must cover it, you see… but the more they cover it, the worse it is for their original narrative.

I predict that the regular media will give the bare minimum of time necessary to grudgingly keep track of this story until they think that they can safely change the subject. …Whoops!  Hit Publish too soon.  I also predict that this strategy of theirs won’t work as well as they hope that it will.

Moe Lane



#rsrh Quick observation: George W Bush wouldn’t have tolerated coordinated embassy assaults.

And let me make that clear: that means that George W Bush would have both made sure that it was clear that such assaults wouldn’t be tolerated; and he’d have American counter-intelligence forces preemptively roll up any networks trying to create any kind of cross-national, ‘spontaneous’ mass demonstrations/assaults.  Like the kind that we may be seeing this week.

Also: if you’re wondering why it is there seems to be more of these events lately, well… it’s not just because Barack Obama’s reputation is starting to precede him.  It’s also because we’ve kind of gotten out of the habit of grabbing terrorists and squeezing them dry, and gotten into the habit of killing them via drone strikes.  Which is roughly equivalent to treating a persistent infection with the topical application of disinfectant; it kills the germs on the surface, but if the underlying problem isn’t treated then at best you’re just keeping things from getting worse.

Obama vs. Obama on whether Egypt is an ally.

Barack Obama, 2012:

Egypt is neither an ally nor an enemy of the United States, President Barack Obama said Wednesday in the wake of a violent protest at the US embassy in Cairo.

“I don’t think that we would consider them an ally, but we don’t consider them an enemy,” Obama said in excerpts of an interview with Telemundo aired by MSNBC.

Barack Obama, 2011:

Sunlen Miller and Kirit Radia report: President Obama today reiterated that Egypt is an ally of the United States and that the he’s “always said” to President Hosni Mubarak that reform, both politically and economically, is essential for Egypt.

“Egypt’s been an ally of ours on a lot of critical issues,” Obama said from the White House this afternoon, “President Mubarak has been very helpful on a range of tough issues in the Middle East. But I’ve always said to him that making sure that they are moving forward on reform — political reform, economic reform — is absolutely critical to the long-term well being of Egypt.”

Continue reading Obama vs. Obama on whether Egypt is an ally.

#rsrh Sherrod Brown’s (D, OH) babbling about the Chinese under his bed again.

Out there.  Lurking.  Lurking.

But seriously — is the heir to Mao’s legacy, or some his minions, or perhaps a U.S.-based subsidiary of a Chinese company, in bed with conservative political and business groups that want to see Brown leave Washington?

Brown has suggested as much since earlier this summer. He qualifies it by saying that he does not know for sure that Chinese interests are spending in hopes of an Ohio voter coup. But he says he thinks it could be so.

“Coup.”  One hopes that the distingui… the Senator from Ohio didn’t use that actual word, in much the same way that one hopes that he was neither wearing underpants on his head, nor mumbling about strawberries.  Still, look on the bright side: at least Sherrod Brown isn’t talking about the Jewish Chinese international conspiracy against him.


Via @pbolyard.

…Oh, yeah. I was doing a pledge drive.

As you can see, it is coming along:

I’m about halfway to an Xbox, 1/3rd of the way to one with this Kinect thingy to it, and a quarter of the way to one that has an exceedingly high number associated with it that I am not entirely certain is actually necessary in any meaningful fashion but it impresses me when I see a reminder that computer TLs have gone from 7 to 8 in my lifetime.

:flipping through book:

Huh. That line still works in 4E. How refreshing.

Hey. Decided to paint me some minis!

Because, well, it was about time I painted some of these OGRE miniatures.


You will note that there are no photos.  That’s because the first batch came out… well.  There was what was in my head, and then there was what ended up on the miniatures, and then there was the dimensional portal that suddenly opened up and brought the whole thing to the Elemental Plane of Bad Paint Jobs.

Continue reading Hey. Decided to paint me some minis!