Politico is shocked, shocked! to see that Mitch McConnell can run a campaign.

When you shear away all the fluff, ham-handed politicking, and let’s-poke-the-Republicans-with-a-stick troublemaking, what you’re left with in this Politico article is pretty much this: Mitch McConnell wants to win his Senate election next year – and he’s apparently got a good idea on how to do that, damn his eyes*.  Seriously, this is their big revelation?

[Reid’s people say that McConnell’s strategy will be to] organize early, raise big money early to scare off opponents, scorch potential rivals to shape the field, push back against polling showing vulnerabilities to depress potential rivals and third-party groups, bolster the state party that each effectively runs and invest in new technology to run an even better campaign than their previous one.

…yes, as opposed to Mitch McConnell stripping himself naked, painting his body with purple and green woad, and doing the Fish Dance at the next debate. Continue reading Politico is shocked, shocked! to see that Mitch McConnell can run a campaign.

Time for some band suggestions.

So, seeing as I’m apparently getting sucked into buying The Fratellis en masse; now is as good a time as any to offer suggestions for good, current bands.  I’m looking for stuff that’s… merry, I guess.  Merry, but with some musical chops behind it. No whiners, no sob stories, no angry blind petulance at the world.

Or something.

NJ state senator (Brian Stack, Democrat) to endorse Chris Christie tomorrow.


State. Sen. Brian Stack and his Assembly runningmates are set to endorse Gov. Chris Christie tomorrow according to a source familiar with the decision.

Stack, a Democrat who is also mayor of Union City, has long been a reliable vote for the governor over the past four years, but many politicos questioned whether he would throw an active endorsement to Christie.

Stack is running alongside Assembly candidates Raj Mukherji and Carmelo Garcia, who will also give their endorsement to Christie, according to the source.

Continue reading NJ state senator (Brian Stack, Democrat) to endorse Chris Christie tomorrow.

Tweet of the Day, Sing It, Brother Dennis edition.

Via Twitchy, Dennis Miller:

Although… now would be a good time for Barack Obama to decide that, what the heck, he might as well authorize Keystone. Most of the people who would be mad at him for that are currently mad anyway.

This is me, trying to wave people off of the Snowden NSA leak story.

Having read it, I have to say: the guy comes off as having a past that looks like it’s going to be rickety under scrutiny; a somewhat self-aggrandizing present; and a future that seems to be largely dependent on the goodwill of the People’s Republic of China.

I mean, Jeez, you don’t go to Hong Kong these days if you’re worried that the local security apparatus might be inclined to snatch-and-grab you for the Americans…