Tweet of the Day, …Dear God. OfA Really IS Pronounced ‘Ofay,’ Isn’t It? Edition.

I am shocked that I never noticed this one on my own:

For those wondering: ‘ofay’ is an African-American derogatory term for a white person. A clueless, stuck-up, pig-ignorant white person with massive entitlement issues. Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …Dear God. OfA Really IS Pronounced ‘Ofay,’ Isn’t It? Edition.

Update on the NJ Senate special election.

Cory Booker makes it official: he’s running for NJ-SEN (special): he announced it today.  Here’s the thing, though: so is Rep. Frank Pallone.  For that matter, so is Rep. Rush Holt, but Holt’s brand of progressive is probably not envelopes-of-cash-under-the-table enough for the Democratic Senate primary.  In other words: this is a two-man show, and Frank Pallone is going to startle a lot of people outside of New Jersey by not folding like a cheap suit.  Pallone has been hungry for a Senate seat for the last decade, and absent a sudden resignation by Bob Menendez this is pretty much going to be the man’s best shot. And… well, I do not want to libel the man or anything, given that I used to live in his district; so let us just say that the Congressman may have a somewhat jaundiced view of the mayor of Newark presuming to switch jobs before Newark is fixed.  Or even stabilized. Continue reading Update on the NJ Senate special election.

Matthew Dowd writes an apology for Barack Obama that Obama would never use.

I know that this Matthew Dowd piece (“Imagining Obama’s Apology to Bush“) is entertaining to many in its angry despair that Barack Obama ended doing all of those natsec things that the Left thought that George W Bush was doing, only on steroids. And it is very, very tasty despair; but there is still one important thing to remember. Barack Obama did, in fact, continue a goodly number of Bush-era policies.

The difference, of course, is that under Bush those policies worked.  Or, more accurately: those policies were implemented by a man who instinctively understood when to talk, and when to punch.  GWB’s facility with the latter after 9/11 was so successful* that foreign terrorist groups pretty much shelved whatever plans they had to make more organized terrorist attacks on American soil… which is a reticence that they no longer have, during this administration.  That’s because George W Bush terrified the groups that we’re still with war with, and use of that verb was intentional.  Obama simply doesn’t scare them as much.

This is, by the way, a problem. Continue reading Matthew Dowd writes an apology for Barack Obama that Obama would never use.

LGBT activist Ellen Sturtz seems to think that Czar Obama isn’t aware of her plight.

Ellen Sturtz is unhappy with this administration and its policies on gay issues*.

When Barack Obama was running for President in 2008, I thought he was serious about protecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community from workplace discrimination.

See, that was your first mistake, lady.

[Obama] made two key promises — that he would sign an executive order providing workplace protections by federal contractors, and that he would help pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), ending workplace discrimination by all employers.

Hey, there’s the second mistake! You still think that ENDA is a legislative priority for the Democratic party.  Spoiler warning: if it didn’t pass in the 109th Congress – you know, the one with Democratic super-majorities in both the House and the Senate – it’s because the Democratic leadership didn’t care whether it passed or not.  Or care enough to bother going through the trouble and tedium of passage, at least**.

I contributed to the campaign…

Annnnnd that’s the third.  The check cleared, ma’am.  Your business with the administration is concluded.

Continue reading LGBT activist Ellen Sturtz seems to think that Czar Obama isn’t aware of her plight.

Tweet of the Day, Mazel Tov, @mkhammer edition.

Yeah, yeah, so I’m not Jewish. I grew up in New Jersey: Yiddish was just… there, you know what I mean? I think I’ve said it before, but it shocked the life out of me when I moved and discovered that not every town had its own synagogue.


Congrats, Mary Katharine!

Facebook/Google: Barack Obama is the kindest, warmest, bravest …

…most wonderful person that they’ve ever known in their lives. Slate, of all organizations, summed it up best:


Basically, it looks for all the world like Google and Facebook got some sort of recommended talking points memo designed to end this hullabaloo by giving them something suitably vacuous to say that would allow them to, I think, progress past this issue and move on.

…OK, I’ll stop now.

Moe Lane

Tweet of the Day, Verizon Doesn’t Need This Kind Of Brand Identification edition.

Ladies and gentlemen, Governor Rick Perry:


A reminder to big-government enthusiasts: this is in fact what you ordered.

:gesturing around, vaguely: All of this.  This is what people get when they operate under the assumption that the default answer to the question Should the government get involved in this situation? is Yes.  Remember, the government is not actually alive.  It has no self-awareness, no independent judgement, and certainly no common sense.  So there’s darn little in the way of negative feedback – and it shows. Hoo, boy, does it show.

As I put it a while back:

And I am sure that people are upset that what is on their big-government plate is not what they were shown on the menu. That’s a… real shame; but it shouldn’t really be a surprise.


Moe Lane