So if you’re thinking of signing up for Amazon Prime’s Instant Video service…

…ANYWAY, well, here’s a handy link to do that: Amazon Instant Video.  I’m not saying that you have to, or even that it’s smart for you do it (although I like Amazon Prima a lot and it saves us a good bit of money over the year); just that, if you were thinking of doing it, going through that link will toss a little something extra in my pocket… and at no cost to you.

Moe Lane Continue reading So if you’re thinking of signing up for Amazon Prime’s Instant Video service…

Tweet of the Day, HAHAHAHA :Breathe: HAHAHAHA edition.

You all know my views on Ed Snowden.  But this is… somehow apropos.  Or symbolic:

Via Twitchy. Hot Air has more; Ed’s being nicer about it, or at least laughing in private.

Moe Lane

PS: BTW, NEVER TRUST CONTENT FROM GLENN GREENWALD. Trust him and you’ll end up on a twelve hour flight from a former Commie hellhole to a current Commie hellhole with no story, and probably nothing to read.

Does the Supreme Court think that it has standing to review the Big Four?

Chris Geidner (H/T: AoSHQ) asks that question.

Although the country is waiting on the Supreme Court’s decisions in four major cases — involving California’s Proposition 8, the Defense of Marriage Act, affirmative action policies, and the Voting Rights Act — the court’s decision in all four cases could be not to decide.



My answer is still: I think that the court will decide that it has standing.  Of course, this is mostly based on the assumption that, if the Supreme Court was going to toss any or all of this out anyway, why didn’t it just do so at the beginning of the month and save us the anticipation? Continue reading Does the Supreme Court think that it has standing to review the Big Four?

The Twinkie Returneth.

Note what Hostess is tagging the box with, too:

The company that went bankrupt after an acrimonious fight with its unionized workers last year is back up and running under new owners and a leaner structure. It says it plans to have Twinkies and other snack cakes back on shelves starting July 15.

Based on the outpouring of nostalgia sparked by its demise, Hostess is expecting a blockbuster return next month for Twinkies and other sugary treats, such as CupCakes and Donettes. The company says the cakes will taste the same but that the boxes will now bear the tag line “The Sweetest Comeback In The History Of Ever.”

Continue reading The Twinkie Returneth.

BTW: Fausta Wertz (@Fausta4Council ) is running for Princeton Council.

I keep forgetting to bring this up:

Here’s her campaign website. Fausta is a lovely woman and a good blogger who I have known for years; if you happen to be eligible to vote in Princeton, New Jersey’s Council elections, you should by all means vote for her.

Sen Bob Menendez (D, NJ) caught up in yet ANOTHER sex-related set of allegations.

Oh, dear.

Sen. Robert Menendez wooed a married newspaper publisher, taking the attractive brunette on a romantic getaway to the Caribbean, a tipster alleges.

The New Jersey Dem and Cecilia Reynolds jetted to Puerto Rico, where they stayed at the isolated beach retreat of the island’s then-governor, Anibal Acevedo Vila.

In a photo provided by the anonymous informant, Reynolds is sitting naked on a beach and suggestively smiling at the camera. In another set of pictures, they take turns posing against the same sunset backdrop.

Wrinkles to the story? Well, let’s see: the governor was undergoing corruption allegations, and the Senator was trying to squash the appointment of a US Attorney who was going after said governor.  And the publisher, of course, has a cozy professional patronage relationship with Menendez, and… come, I will conceal nothing from you.  I almost feel sorry for Menendez at this point.  He must sit in his office and think, God.  None of the other Senators get hassled when they go to tropical islands and schtupp* everything that moves.  Why the hell don’t I get to do this in piece and quiet? …You do have to admit; it beggars belief that Bob Menendez is the only serial adulterer in the Senate right now. Continue reading Sen Bob Menendez (D, NJ) caught up in yet ANOTHER sex-related set of allegations.

Byron York: Democrats deep in the 2016 Kool-Aid. Me: thank God.

Bits like this make me smile.

But party insiders believe Democrats have a structural advantage regardless of who runs, due to demographic changes and the formerly red or purple states that have turned fully blue in recent years.

“Democrats start out with nearly a lock on 242 electoral votes, and Republicans start out with 102,” notes the second strategist. “They can win in a number of different ways, while Republicans have to win everything.” Beyond the numbers, Democrats believe deep down that today’s Republican Party is in such a mess that it will find a way to alienate voters no matter who runs on the Democratic side.

“There is a structural advantage for Democrats because Republicans just don’t get it,” says a third party insider.

…Because that is precisely the attitude that we had in 2005, and that the Democrats had in 1997, and that the Republicans had in 1991 after the First Gulf War, and so on, and so on.  In other words, it is the attitude of political junkies who forget that there are very few very Blue, or very Red, states.  Truth of the matter is, the big question in 2016 will be whether voters will or will not be sick of seeing the Democrats’ stupid faces every day in the White House section of the news*. This is whether or not the very bad candidate Hillary Clinton is the nominee, or the very bad and walking PR disaster Joe Biden is, or one of the rather parochial Democratic governors is, or one of their desperation candidates is.  2016 will be what we call a Return to Normalcy campaign in this business; the Democrats are not really positioned to win one of those.

Continue reading Byron York: Democrats deep in the 2016 Kool-Aid. Me: thank God.

Head’s-up to #p2 and #nn13: Hillary Clinton is going to make you CRAWL.

This ain’t gonna be cheap.

Hillary Clinton was far from the darling of the left in the 2008 election. But here at the largest annual gathering of progressives, many said they’re ready to get behind a Hillary 2016 bid — though she shouldn’t take them for granted.

In more than two dozen interviews at the Netroots Nation conference, Democratic activists said they’re cautiously excited about the prospect of a Clinton candidacy and, more broadly, the idea of the first female president she represents. Unlike five years ago, when a charismatic freshman senator from Illinois stole their hearts, the backing of progressives appears to be Clinton’s to lose — assuming, as most do, that she runs.

But she’ll need to prove she’s in tune with her party’s activist wing before she’ll have its full-throated support.

Continue reading Head’s-up to #p2 and #nn13: Hillary Clinton is going to make you CRAWL.