If Ebola-treating medical personnel won’t self-quarantine, they must be quarantined anyway.

This passage from Hot Air sums up the current administration-friendly rhetoric over Ebola and quarantines nicely.  Short version: the nurse who went overseas to treat Ebola patients, came back, had a fever, got isolated while they tested her, was released to Maine, and announced that she would be the judge of her own quarantining has just been told by Maine officials that no, they will be the judges.  In other words, it’s only going to be voluntary if the volunteer volunteers.  Hot Air is exasperated about the right thing, here:

In fact, there seems to be little that the administration and their media surrogates can agree on except for four things:

1. Chris Christie is a terrible person and we shouldn’t do anything he says.
2. Mandatory quarantines are insulting and bad for America.
3. We obviously need to go ahead and do exactly what Christie put in place.
4. But under no circumstances should we call it a mandatory quarantine.

And let me be blunt, for the record: if you went to West Africa to treat Ebola patients, thank you very much. I mean that, sincerely.  Good job.  Now go get into quarantine.  Because – again, bluntly – at this point I don’t really trust medical personnel to make smart decisions about their own health circumstances.  And forgive me for saying this*, but I have good reasons for that. Continue reading If Ebola-treating medical personnel won’t self-quarantine, they must be quarantined anyway.

“Possible Bubbles of Spacetime Curvature in the South Pacific.” #cthulhu

It is a scientific paper examining certain details – from the perspective of physics – found in HP Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu, and it is written in a style that is both entertaining, and interesting in its own right.  The author (Benjamin K. Tippett, PhD) – oh, I won’t be coy: this is good enough to sell as a short story, or get placed in a fiction anthology.  For money.

Via here and here.

Tweet of the Day, @jpodhoretz Is Not Over-Selling This Video edition.

To mangle Shaenon Garrity: why does Hollywood persist in showing me boring things, when it could be doing stuff like this all the time?

So immigration activists really *are* going to go after Barack Obama over this.

Will wonders never cease.

The President apparently told Ms. Lopez to go yell at the Republicans. …Yeah, good luck with that one, Barack Obama. This is not a situation where Ms. Lopez – and the people who think as she does on immigration issues – needs to be persuaded to vote for the Democrat over the Republican. No, this is a situation where Ms. Lopez needs to be persuaded to vote at all.

Moe Lane

What did you do with the money, Nancy?

I read stories like this, and the title is my reaction. Where was the money that Nancy Pelosi was given already?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told colleagues on Tuesday that Democrats have an “urgent need” to give money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the final days before the midterm election.

On a caucus-wide, members-only conference call, Pelosi and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel, of New York, stressed that members needed to quickly pay their party dues so Democrats would have cash to run last-minute ads and maintain get-out-the-vote programs, a Democratic aide said.

I kept getting told that the Democrats were raking in the cash, hand over fist. So where’s the money, Nancy? What did it get spent on? Why is the DCCC so out of cash that it’s hitting up its members for back dues?

New Hampshire, Vermont: look, all those states look alike to Elizabeth Warren.

You really don’t expect Elizabeth Warren to care about New Hampshire, can you? The Senator can barely muster up enough energy to care about Massachusetts.  So it’s not really surprising to hear that the woman apparently can’t be bothered to remember which state Jeanne Shaheen pretends to be from: Continue reading New Hampshire, Vermont: look, all those states look alike to Elizabeth Warren.