Quote of the Day, It’s Just Business, Mary Landrieu. It’s Not Personal edition.

Well, maybe it’s a little personal.  But it’s mostly just business.  Hot Air:

If anything, the end of the general election may have hurt [Senator Mary] Landrieu. The public is still being flooded with advertisements reminding them of everything that’s on the line, and external Republican forces really have nothing else to occupy their time these days, so they may as well make her miserable.

We have a schedule, and this is part of the schedule, so this is the thing that we are doing now. There’s really not all that much more to it than that. But we will keep to the schedule.

I offer all of you tentative congratulations on surviving Thanksgiving weekend.

This one was fraught, given that I was supposed to be spending it in a West Virginia cabin out in the woods.  Turns out that the woods in question got snow-bombed just before we were going to leave, so… well.  We adapted and overcame.  The house is even remarkably tidy at this point.

Which is good, because I plan to take a nice nap just as soon as everybody else goes about their Mondays. After I run a couple of errands, of course…

Moe Lane

PS: Seriously, I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving.

Book of the Week: “Atomic Robo Volume 7: Flying She-Devils of the Pacific.”

Actually, that’s not true: Atomic Robo Volume 7: Flying She-Devils of the Pacific is merely one of the books you should be getting.  Just get the whole series, really.  You’ll be a better person for it, honestly.

What’s that? It’s a comic book about a robot. Who is atomic. This is not hard to work out from context.

And so passes The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, alas.  :sniff, sniff:  Sorry.  Getting kind of dusty in here…

The Democrats’ surprisingly complicated 2016 Senate problem.

Interesting list of potential Democratic retirements from the Hill, here:

  • Barbara Boxer, 74
  • Joe Manchin, 67
  • Patrick Leahy, 74
  • Barbara Mikulski, 78
  • Harry Reid, 74

Manchin’s on the list because he’s doing all the things that Senators who are planning to run for Governor do: to wit, talking about how much he hates Washington DC, and letting the state party apparatus dip their beaks into his fundraising war chest.  Boxer is… tired, I think.  Also, not raising money. Of the other three: Leahy is actually younger than I thought he was; he’s probably staying.  Reid has two years of pain ahead of him.  Mikulski… Barbara Mikulski would be 80 in 2016.  That’s old for a reelection campaign. Continue reading The Democrats’ surprisingly complicated 2016 Senate problem.

The Three-Minute Silmarillion.

It is a judgement upon me that my first reaction was The actual appearance of Tulkas in the narrative is more complicated than that and my second was You left out the part about the Ents.

I’m not entirely proud of that reaction. But it’s good, really! Three minutes is pretty impressive, considering.

I actually think that these kids at Occidental really learned something.

I mean, it is funny, in a not-nice way:

…but there’s actually a life lesson here. Continue reading I actually think that these kids at Occidental really learned something.

Charlie Cook speculates Claire McCaskill will run for MO-GOV in 2016.

He figures that she will; Senator Claire McCaskill said that she won’t, but politicians always say that they’re not interested in a new job, right up to the point where they actively start campaigning for one.  Besides, back in September of 2014 it still looked like the Democrats had a legitimate shot at keeping the Senate.  Given that it’s now very much an open question about whether the Democrats can actually manage to retake the Senate – when Landrieu loses next week, the answer is going to be ‘probably not*.’  I can’t imagine that the next four years are going to be any fun for Claire McCaskill, particularly since she is a pre-loaded prime target for Republican strategists in 2018.   Continue reading Charlie Cook speculates Claire McCaskill will run for MO-GOV in 2016.