It’s Monday, so it’s time for a new Hillary Clinton ‘Hand in the Foundation Jar’ story.

This is… this is special prosecutor territory. For real. I hate saying that, because special prosecutors are awful – but then, so is this.

Continue reading It’s Monday, so it’s time for a new Hillary Clinton ‘Hand in the Foundation Jar’ story.

Rub some dirt on it and walk it off, Bill De Blasio.

Or at least shut the heck up about how hard your life is.

Mayor de Blasio whined to a crowd of hayseeds in the Midwest about how New Yorkers are too mean to him at baseball games — and said he was jealous how well his Milwaukee counterpart is greeted by fans.

“I had the pleasure of taking in a Brewers game with Mayor Tom Barrett last night,” de Blasio told a group at a speech Saturday in Milwaukee. “I was struck by how many people kept coming up to the mayor to thank him for his service.”

Geez, this guy. Continue reading Rub some dirt on it and walk it off, Bill De Blasio.

I tend not to make books like ‘Clinton Cash’ the Book of the Week.

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich is clearly overtly political, and it’s going to be controversial.  But dear GOD but it’s already making Team Hillary bubble and fizz like a Mentos tossed into a Diet Coke bottle.  I will be fascinated to see what happens when the actual book comes out…

Let’s You and Him fight: Elizabeth Warren v. Barack Obama.

(H/T: @exjon) Ooh, this should be entertaining: “The feud between Obama and the left continued Saturday, when Warren and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) called on the president to immediately declassify the negotiating terms of a pending trade deal with a host of nations known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Not least because you have to sit for a moment and think before you can figure out who is being more petty. Is it Barack Obama, for suggesting that Elizabeth Warren is like one of those people who believe in death panels*? Or is it Elizabeth Warren, because she is apparently physically incapable of understanding that Election Night 2014 has noticeably changed the relative relevance of her opinions?

Moving onto Warren’s demand (Sen. Sherrod Brown is, as usual, merely there to be seen): the President will of course ignore her ultimatum, because Barack Obama would like a trade deal and the progressive wing of the Democratic party does not. More to the point, thanks to the aforementioned Election Night the Senate is now run by the political party that officially likes the idea of increased trade. The most likely scenario, then, is one where the GOP largely forces through fast-track legislation with whatever support Barack Obama scrounges up: which means that the Democrats will be the ones having a bruising internal fight for a change.

What’s not to like?

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Democrats hoping beyond hope that a sufficient number of Republicans may be persuaded to vote no on fast-track simply to spite President Obama should note two things. One, the GOP knows that Barack Obama will not be President in 2017. Two, the GOP pretty much despises all progressive politicians on sight.  Particularly all the ones that call us names – and, lo! All the name-callers hate fast-track.

PPS: If Senator Warren does not like the final details of the TPP deal when they become available to her, Senator Warren is perfectly free to vote no. Which she will, of course (I will not assume that she will even bother to read it, first).  If Senator Warren does not like being relegated to this position, then I suppose Senator Warren should have done a better job at helping the Democrats keep their Senate majority.

*Yes. I know, I know: the current system for rationing health care will in fact lead to situations where your health care decisions may in fact be subject to a formal bureaucrat’s veto.  But it’s like ‘swift-boating:’ the fact that it doesn’t register as an insult to us doesn’t mean that it’s not a fairly vicious one to members of the Left. Or that the person being insulted won’t take major offense, either.

Wisconsin DA John Chisholm’s mouth writes checks that his ego can’t cash.

Now, I’m no lawyer

In a swing through the crucial presidential state of Iowa this weekend, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took the rare step of lashing out at prosecutors who had probed his campaign by questioning whether their tactics were constitutional.

In an equally unusual turn, prosecutors fired back by calling Walker’s comments inaccurate, offensive and defamatory — with Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm suggesting Walker could be criminally charged for lying.

Continue reading Wisconsin DA John Chisholm’s mouth writes checks that his ego can’t cash.

SMBC and the folly of thinking that you are the pinnacle of societal evolution.

This is a pretty good takedown on thinking eugenically, but let me add something to that: it doesn’t matter who you are, at this precise moment. Twenty years from now people will think of you as lame; fifty years from now, embarrassing; eighty years from now, subtly horrifying; and two hundred years from now they will panic at the very thought of being sent back to this time.

The good news: six hundred years from now they’ll be quite fond of you, largely because they’ll have no idea at all what you’re actually like and so they’ll just make something up.

Moe Lane

PS: No, that applies to everybody. Even if our descendants think that they like you it’ll typically be for all the wrong reasons.