(New Jersey-SEN Primary) Are you ready for… Bob Torricelli?

Because they’re talking about it! “Former Sen. Bob Torricelli downplayed rumors Sunday that he might mount a Democratic primary challenge to Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), who is fighting federal corruption charges.” And why are there such rumors? Because Senator Menendez is in a fascinatingly complex situation vis-a-vis this administration. On the one hand, Menendez is indeed fighting federal corruption charges. On the other hand, Sen. Menendez is apparently legitimately appalled at this administration’s Middle Eastern policy, particularly with regard to Iran. And on the gripping hand… that’s how bad the bench is for New Jersey Democrats, huh? The only worse choice would former governor Jon Corzine, and he’s probably thinking about running, too. I mean, Bob Torricelli’s thinking about it, right?

Before you grin too much: name a good New Jersey Republican challenger. For that matter, Bob Menendez isn’t even up for election again until 2018. Which is why this post isn’t on RedState: right now this is beyond speculation.  But still. I’d love to cover that primary.

It must be getting to be back-to-school time.

I’m starting to look at all the places that can be properly cleaned once they’re gone.  Vacuuming the basement is the easy one.  But there’s a corner-triangle where the TV touches the wall… it’s a frightening place there, let me tell you. A subtly frightening place.

One week. One week. ONE WEEK… sorry about that.

Quote of the Day, The Democrats Will Need Another Shellacking First edition.

This is an interesting factoid:

… right now, the Republican presidential bench is much deeper, and younger, than the Democrats’: The average age of the five Democrats already running for president, along with Biden and Gore, is 66 years old. By contrast, the average age of the 17-person Republican presidential field is 57.4 years old.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, The Democrats Will Need Another Shellacking First edition.

Evergreen reminder: if you’re running for office and using social media…

…clearly label which race you are running for, and in what state. Do this as prominently as you can, in as many places as you can.  Also mention the year, so that people will be able to figure out whether or not you’re still running for that office.

I swear to God, I really should write that book.

So, anybody see ‘The Man from U.N.C.L.E’ yet?

Was it any good?  I may need to have to call in a chip to get to go see this one; I’d rather not if it’s not actually all that good anyway.  Also: the latest Mission Impossible looks pretty good, but I’ve skipped every movie since the first one. Does it really matter if I have? Or should I at least watch the fourth one?