FINALLY saw Ant-Man.

Had to be in 3-D, because otherwise I’d have had to stay up to see it. I thought it was pretty good. Had a lot of Chekov’s Items in it that got used, plot moved along, people who dig ants must have enjoyed all the shout-outs. Somebody on the Internet called it a heist flick, and it definitely was one of those. Not the best Marvel flick, but it was pretty spiff.

Now if they’d just make Squirrel Girl.

Oh, shucks: AHCA finds that Planned Parenthood in Florida isn’t following all the rules.

Live by the regulatory State, get royally screwed by it:

Three of the 16 Planned Parenthood facilities inspected in Florida last week were performing procedures beyond their licensing authority, and one facility was not keeping proper logs relating to fetal remains, officials announced Wednesday.

The Agency for Health Care Administration released a report saying clinics in St. Petersburg, Fort Myers and Naples were performing second-trimester abortions when they were only licensed to perform first-trimester abortions. The report also found that a Pembroke Pines clinic was not following its own procedures for the labeling and dating of the disposal of fetal remains.

Continue reading Oh, shucks: AHCA finds that Planned Parenthood in Florida isn’t following all the rules.

Tweet of the Day, Delta Green Will Return! edition.

Coolness. I am curious to see where Delta Green ended up.  It ended up somewhere bad, of course – but that’s bad in the ‘bad luck’ sense, and hopefully not the ‘bad game’ one:

…What? Oh, that staffer with racial issues is apparently no longer at Kickstarter*. I can link to projects again, if I want to. And so I shall.

Moe Lane

*Obviously, my boycott had nothing to do with it, but it’s the principle of the thing.

Quote of the Day, This Is What Why You Must Not Look Away From @PPAct edition.

Full confession: I haven’t seen the latest baby-harvesting video yet, and I’m not looking forward to watching it, either. The video playback on this thing isn’t too good. But I’m going to have to, because what John Kass is saying here is a true thingContinue reading Quote of the Day, This Is What Why You Must Not Look Away From @PPAct edition.

And now begins the working part of my vacation.

As often happens, it starts in an airport bar with me waiting for a flight.  Exciting! …Well, kind of. At least this is going to be a direct flight.

Posting will be less erratic from here on in, but it may not be particularly back to normal until I get home. That’s the way this stuff goes, really. Also, I’m kind of still relaxed and loose right now, and I’d to keep that for as long as possible.

My PJ Lifestyle article on railroading DMs is up.

Found here. Short version: I assume that people are yelling at me in the comments there again… heh. Apparently not.

Moe Lane

PS: Pennsic continues to relax me. Did have a moment today where a guy dating my cousin-in-law (or whatever the term is) asked me how I balanced gaming and politics. He was interested to hear that there are a surprising amount of quiet gamers and other geeks in politics. Which there are.

But enough about that.  Serious sack time awaits me.

Ah, Pennsic.

It’s a very complicated little mini-vacation*, but hopefully it will all work out. Lovely weather today. Had somebody tell me that I had a nice singing voice. Nobody gave me any sh*t at all about politics.  It was, as they say, a thing.

Moe Lane

*As witnessed by the fact that I grabbed a hotel room, which I am half-regretting NOW – but will not regret when it rains like a son of a gun tomorrow or Monday.