FBI: we’re treating the San Bernardino attack as terrorism.

Everybody who is shocked, raise your hands: “The San Bernardino, California, mass shooting is now being investigated as “an act of terrorism,” FBI official David Bowdich said Friday.” They aren’t ruling out the possibility that the husband-and-wife death cultists acted alone, either. Just in case you wanted to really have your weekend ruined.

The FBI will be taking over this investigation, by the way. So, yeah, it’s pretty much a certainty that this was terrorism.  …And everything that I want to write after that is kind of mean-spirited, so I’m not going to type any of it out.

Tweet of the Day, @presjpolk Did Not Oversell This edition.

The soundtrack is almost perfect in its timing. Seriously, it’s the kind of soundtrack where you go Omigod omigod this is perfect music and then you make people listen to it and then you go See? SEE? and then the other person goes Wow and then you go I know, right? Or something like that.

Frankly, I would have run at about thirty seconds in. But then, I’m an apex predator and felis catus is not.

Shocker*: Senate uninterested in limiting self-defense in response to terrorist attack.

Seriously, Democrats? Seriously? “Several gun control measures failed in the Senate Thursday afternoon, just one day after a mass shooting in California left 14 people dead and more than 20 injured.” Yes, by all means: let us take the guns out of the hands of people who would actually follow stupid Democratic-inspired gun control laws and leave them in the hands of people who would not.  That sounds brilliant.  BRILLIANT.

Swear to God, there’s something about a hardcore gun-control position that causes neurological damage.

Moe Lane

PS: Having that five seat buffer in the Senate means that I can stay phlegmatic about Republican Senators who need local cover. Besides, it’d never would have passed the House anyway.

*This not actually a shocker.

Latest ‘Batman vs. Superman’ trailer.

This is gonna be a hot mess. Which is not the same as saying that it’s gonna suck. It very well be an AWESOME hot mess.


But Zack Snyder has clearly used up his supply of f*cks; he has no more left to give.  …Yes, I know that that particular line is overused. But it’s true in this case.

Via @SonnyBunch.