The San Bernardino attack is sounding… weird.

Weird in every direction. The target doesn’t sound like something that would look attractive to a terrorist, but the attack appears to have been planned out, complete with body armor and improvised explosives.  There are unconfirmed reports that the shooters had… precisely the sort of names that you might have guessed… but at the same time apparently a woman was involved, which is a little out of place for jihadists. All in all, it sounds like it’s an excellent time to not say anything about this attack until we actually know more.

Pray for the victims and their families, of course.

Down with Wilson and Calhoun! Up with Harding and Coolidge!

Oh, this is good.

… if the prissy Princetonians insist on renaming the Woodrow Wilson School for Public Affairs, here’s a modest suggestion: Rename it for Warren Harding!

Harding was the anti-Wilson in all of the ways the campus protesters could want. He pardoned most of the political dissenters Woodrow Wilson had jailed during World War I, especially the socialist firebrand Eugene Debs, whom Harding then invited to the White House, saying afterward that he rather liked Debs. He also proposed civil rights protection for blacks, in a speech in Birmingham, Alabama, that drew boos and jeers from the mostly Democratic audience.

Power Line also suggests renaming Yale’s John Calhoun Hall for Calvin Coolidge. Which I could get behind, too.  We do forget that Harding and Coolidge were a breath of fresh, clean air after the rancid miasma that was the Wilson administration – which is to say, progressive academics have done everything in their power to make people unaware of just how bad Woodrow Wilson was, as both a President and a human being.  That’s actually a bit of a pattern…

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane