Quote of the Day, @LeonHWolf Has A Serious Point About Ted Cruz Here edition.

I just want to get my agreement with this on the record. Leon Wolf, over at RedState:

Having called Marco Rubio a liar, unprincipled, and someone who doesn’t understand the issues, [Ted Cruz] better discover soon that Donald Trump is without question a much bigger unprincipled liar who has no understanding of the issues, and muster the testicular fortitude to say so in public. If you’re going to be a happy warrior who doesn’t attack other Republicans no matter what they say about you, then be that happy warrior. If you’re going to be an attack dog when attacked, then turn the same vitriol on Trump that you turned on Rubio last night. You can’t have it both ways.

And I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, @LeonHWolf Has A Serious Point About Ted Cruz Here edition.

OK, I’m crashing.

Had to watch the forty hour debate, and I’m ready to sack out. Fast take: Donald Trump was incoherent and on at least one point (our aging nuclear arsenal) downright alarming, and will probably get punished for it by going up five points in the polls. Meanwhile, the hidden assumption on pretty much everybody’s part apparently is that the nomination fight will ultimately be between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.  You could see it in the way that they framed the debate tonight; and I’ll worry about how that particular paradox gets resolved later.  All in all, pretty good debate… for the first one hundred and ninety-five hours. It dragged a little in the second half, though.

House Democrats concede 2016 election!

Mind you, they did so in code: “Following a string of recent mass shootings, Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) is looking to renew the assault weapons ban that was originally signed by former President Bill Clinton but expired more than a decade ago.” …90 co-sponsors, which is roughly half the current Democratic House caucus. Six years ago, it would have been about a third of the Democratic House caucus, but then the Democrats started doing stupid [expletive deleted] like this. On the other hand, the Democrats that remain are probably safe enough doing stunts like this. And on the gripping hand… this is no way to get a Congressional majority back, fellows.


So, thanks?

Via @instapundit, who likewise is pleased to see his enemies make a mistake.

Quote of the Day, ‘Transformation’ Is A Double-Edged Sword edition.

This is an interesting, complex, and possibly a touch unfair* assessment of Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments and successes, and you should read it – but I mostly want to show you this particular sick burn.

Though [Barack Obama] won a comfortable reelection, his party suffered a shocking collapse. After six years of his leadership, the Democrats have fewer congressmen, U.S. senators, governors, and state legislative chambers than at any time since the 1920s. For someone who doesn’t believe in turning back the clock, Obama certainly has done a good job of it. Democratic legislators might be forgiven for thinking they’d suffered a reverse Rip Van Winkle, falling asleep in the Age of Obama and waking up in the Age of Calvin Coolidge.

Ouch. And heh.

Moe Lane

*Any assessment of Ronald Reagan’s domestic agenda and its outcomes must, I think, admit that the ultimate focus of Reagan’s time in office was in how best to ram an iron stake through the black, acidic heart of Soviet Communism.

Reminder: GOP Debate tonight.

It will probably be – almost certainly be – heavy on national security. Particularly terrorism, now that Islamist jihadists feel comfortable with committing atrocities on American soil. I also expect that two, maybe three candidates will end up saying things that will sabotage their campaigns tonight – and no, I’m not going to say which ones.

Debate’s 8:30 PM tonight, on CNN.  I’ll be watching it, because the Republic requires my sacrifice. …Gee. Thanks, Republic.