My RedState post from yesterday on the Trump debate thing.

Found here. Turns out that Donald Trump decided to bite the bullet… we think.  Smart money is that he ends up trying to get back into the debate anyway, if ‘smart money’ even means anything anymore in this context.

Moe Lane

PS: If you follow me on Twitter then you know that I’ve gotten more and more tired of the man’s shtick lately. The Flowchart was never meant to be tested to destruction… well. A resolution of my problems should not be the end-all and be-all of human society, either.

Oregon school almost tosses away MLK Jr. quote. You’ll never guess why, too!

The problem with going down certain roads is that they are very steep, and it’s hard to stop on them once you’re on them, and… look, there’s a reason why we don’t let young kids run things, OK?

Oregon’s Erb Memorial Union, which is currently under renovation, had the following famous King quote on the wall: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream…”

…No problem, right?  Wrong. The student union thought about yanking the quote. Why? Why do you think?

When the student union considered the question, some students asked, “Does the MLK quote represent us today?” The problem wasn’t so much the message, but the fact that it only focused on racial diversity instead of gender identity.

Um, not being judged by the color of your skin is not in fact focusing on racial diversity.  It’s focusing on the idea that racial diversity should be ignored when it comes to morality and ethics, not fetishized. And speaking of fetishizing: evidence continues to build that gender is the next triple word score in our culture’s grand game of Diversity Scrabble.


People don’t play Scrabble anymore, do they. Unless… maybe there’s an app for it, or something? Nah, I’m probably reaching, there.

Via @johntabin.

Moe Lane

Marco Rubio and the Football of Vengeance.

I was only going to chuckle about this Marco Rubio ad, but then I got to 1:27 and then I realized that I’d have to post it.  I seriously have to. It’s, like, a geek obligation and everything.

Via @EWErickson.

Moe Lane

PS: Dr. Ben Carson is a remarkably nice man. I mean, it’s like there’s no malice or spite in him at all. What the hell is he doing in American politics?

One more day of school/government closings.

Not such a horrible thing in Chez Lane, but I feel incredibly sorry for families where both parents work away from home. I mean, from my point of view the kids missing last Friday, today, and tomorrow has mostly just resulted in an extended exercise in keeping them from blowing up the house.  But what’s been a mild complication for me has been a going-on-a-week rolling disaster for some of my neighbors. I respect people who can juggle that.  I’m grateful that I don’t have to.

Moe Lane

PS: The roads really are bad, here. I mock DC for its attitude towards snow as much as the next transplantee, but we had a no-fooling blizzard and there’s nowhere to put the stuff. I got neighbors who still can’t move their cars because the snowplows had to prioritize.

Oh, gee, thanks: LEGO Avengers is coming out tomorrow.

I figure that I got another three, four weeks of safety before my kids stop playing LEGO Make It Easy On Yourself And Just Give Us Your Credit Card Dimensions long enough to notice that there’s another LEGO video game out there to be bought. The worst part?  I want them playing these video games. Most of the time they’re perfectly harmless*.

Yes, I’m mostly ticked that I don’t have time to play these games myself. I accept that. I may someday even come to feel all right about it…

Moe Lane

*Although having Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels show up in the middle of LEGO Dimensions proved to be a bit much for my younger kid.  And I can’t say that I blame him for that…

Tweet of the Day, Why Bernie Sanders Still Hasn’t Won The Nomination Yet edition.

It’s because you’d have to be extremely stupid and tin-eared to lose to Hillary Clinton. It’d take real skill for that. And Bernie Sanders is up to the challenge:

…Spoiler warning: the very rich will figure out how to avoid a confiscatory tax marginal rate of 62% or higher. Most of the people reading this would end up being stuck paying the extra 8.4% in taxes, though. You do, as they say, the math.

Moe Lane

PS: It occurs to me that the peculiar genius of the American upper classes was (note tense, alas) in realizing that the American public will largely not care if rich people are rich, just so long as the rich people do not hassle the not-rich people.  This was a genuine innovation, and I’m sorry to see it fall into disuse.  But not as sorry as the aforementioned rich people might end up being.