Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, and my endorsement is…

…as before: whoever of Ted Cruz / Marco Rubio is ahead in your state. I know that that might hurt Rubio in Texas if he’s really below 20%, but them’s the breaks.  The point and the goal would be to get one of those two guys winning in as many states as possible.

Moe Lane

PS: Comments are closed on this post.  This is, frankly, for my readers’ protection, not mine. I would rather not have… unpleasantness over this.

By the way: Happy Leap Day!

…we need a word for this holiday, really.  Or is there one?  I don’t actually know.  …Wikipedia says ‘Leap Day,’ and goodness knows Wikipedia is never wrong about things that people don’t fight over obsessively.

One interesting piece of trivia, by the way: the year 2100 will not be a leap year.  You see, the leap year thing almost takes care of the entire ‘year is 365.25-ish days long thing:’ you have to do some more compensating to make it all work well enough for all but the most obsessive.  Removing the Leap Day from years divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400 will typically do the trick.  There’s apparently yet more plans to remove (or add) a day, thousands of years from now, but seriously that’s just too narrow-focused for words.

Tweet of the Day, The Gathering Storm edition.

If Trump is the nominee, you will have to get used to stuff like this.

Admittedly, if Trump is the nominee it won’t be my problem except in the most general sense, but it’s gonna be a problem for a bunch of people, including quite a few that I generally wish well. Said wishes would be of course utterly useless, but I’d still make ’em.

An update on my attempts to wean myself off of Twitter.

Not that great, honestly.  I think that I’m going to have to pretty much keep all iterations of Twitter or Tweetdeck or whatever off of my mobile devices.  That does help a lot.  The real problem is that I can’t delete Twitter itself from the Internet.  What I’m going to try to do today is regularize and time my logins.  Jump in, log in, check stuff for updates, probably block a few trolls, then log out again. That might help the cravings.

At least, I hope that it does.  The alternative is to simply cancel my Twitter account, and I kind of need it for work.  Which is possibly the largest complication of all: it’s like having a job that requires you to take regular sticks of morphine.  Get off the stuff, and your productivity suffers.  Which may be why more of my professional colleagues aren’t really even aware just how addicted we all are.

Patreon short-short-short: “Because Reasons, That’s Why.”

100WS-BRTW Mostly written because I thought that it’d be really funny if it ever turned out that way. Although admittedly the scenario would give materialists screaming nightmares, which is not actually a very nice thing to do so maybe ‘funny’ is an unkind word to use.

As always, check out my Patreon! Tell your friends!