Hey, the latest Fallout 4 patch dropped!

…And they fixed the Killshot perk, dagnabbit. Based on gameplay since then I apparently was relying far too much on always having a 95% chance to shoot somebody in the head. Oh, well, I guess that means that I’m going to have to redesign my weapons load…

Anyway: no DLC. Yet. But that’s probably next; either that, or the official Creation Kit. Will there be a mod to get Killshot un-fixed? I dunno, Timmy: let’s find out.

Continue reading Hey, the latest Fallout 4 patch dropped!

The ‘Nine Lives’ trailer, and I apologize in advance.

(H/T: Multiplex) Who thought that this was a good idea?


Does Christopher Walken need money, or something? – Because if a hat was being passed around I would have tossed in twenty bucks.  Fifty, if I got the OK to use house money. This looks… this looks like a movie that got made because somebody lost a bet.

My Patreon-funded short-short story ‘Belief.’ https://www.patreon.com/MoeLane?ty=h

I don’t think that I’ve put this short story (“Belief“) up yet.  If I have, I apologize. It’s just that it was in my Media section already, but I don’t see a post for it, so I don’t think that it’s been put up here yet. Anyway, this is a short-short story for my Patreon readers, and you should totally sign up to become a patron.  Hope you enjoy.

My RedState post on Trump and the public option.

Found here. Short version: dude’s for it, man.  It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump supports a public option, because as recently as last September he was describing either that, or something like a federal Medicaid expansion, as being part of his plan.  I dunno why this hasn’t been mentioned more.