Well, Captain America: Civil War was certainly an embarrassment.

I don’t know who gets to be humiliated more: Zac Snyder, who will be having his slightly turgid, but not actually bad DC film unfavorably compared to CA:CW until the end of time… or whoever it was that they tapped to do all those Spider-Man films which nobody’s gonna remember now because OH MY GOD THIS SPIDER-MAN WAS PERFECT.  They’re gonna be making a Spider-Man movie now, you know.  That is, Marvel will be making it, and we’re all gonna see it, and it’s gonna be awesome*.

Seriously, Captain America: Civil War was a great popcorn flick.  A lot of nice interactions between the cast. As well as being a flick that didn’t actually shy away from consequences. Make space on your calendar.

Moe Lane

*I wanna see a Black Panther film now, too. I didn’t think that I would, but I do.  Mind you, Marvel is really good at finding movies that I didn’t think that I wanted to see, but ended up enjoying anyway.

The absolutely vital Fallout 4 mod: “Old World Radio – Boston.”

Found here. It’s huge, but it’s worth it: the ‘Old World Radio – Boston’ mod adds a lot more music, both to Diamond City Radio and  whole bunch of other radio stations to tune into.  A variety of genres, ranging from bluegrass to kind of silly – but possibly the best part are the science fiction and horror radio programs. This is the mod that got me listening to X Minus One, and it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that you listen to a few episodes of that show before you die.  Unless, of course, you don’t like vintage Robert Heinlein or something.

Hey, Happy Cinco de Mayo! …said he, mildly sardonically.

I think that I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel a certain amount of sympathy for Mexican-descended Americans who get to watch what was a minor holiday for their ancestors be turned into a booze-drenched bacchanalia (yes, yes, that’s redundant). It’s a detached sympathy, because that’s what exactly what American culture did to St. Patrick’s Day and nobody said boo then – but, hey, this is all part of the assimilation process.

But still: Happy Cinco de Mayo! Stay off of the roads, please.

I’m not really impressed with this World of Warcraft Mega Bloks set.

It was a birthday present for my kids, and I’ll be honest: the production values on the bricks themselves are kind of lacking. Sometimes they’re a little hard to snap together, and there’s discoloration in a bunch of them. Which is coming as a surprise to me, honestly: I’m used to LEGO, and LEGO tends to be pretty good with quality control. Also: the instructions are poorly laid out, but in a way that I’m finding hard to quantify. Worst of all? I think that it’s missing pieces.

All in all? You may want to avoid this product (“Mega Bloks World of Warcraft Demolisher Attack”). Which is why no Amazon link to it.

Two weeks to Fallout 4’s Far Harbor.

Looks like we’re going to Maine!  …Whereupon it will, in accordance with standard practice, be firmly but inexorably put under the command of the Queen of the Girl Scouts*.  Because apparently the ability to pick things up on one’s own was somehow bred out of the human race…

Drops May 19th, brothers and sisters… Continue reading Two weeks to Fallout 4’s Far Harbor.

So maybe you need to quickly pick out the SCAdian in a crowd.

I’m not asking why. That’s your business. But if you need to do it, play this.

‘This’ being Black Nag, which is one of the standard go-to beginning dances taught to all SCA newcomers. So… watch for the person who has cocked his or her head to the side, visibly counting the beats, and twitching his or her foot.  There. That’s your SCAdian.

Seriously, it’s like Pavlov’s dog with us.

So, Apple Music is going to delete your… quirky… music files.

So, if this article is correct – and it sounds true, particularly in the post-Steve Jobs era – then Apple Music is going to be pure death on anybody who has a digital music collection that is even slightly more than one standard deviation away from the norm. Short version, for anybody who doesn’t want to click through: sign up for Apple Music, and apparently the service will go through your digital library and start deleting files.  …And that’s the problem with short versions of things, rather than reading the whole article: what’s happening is a lot more complexly ghastly than that (the author was particularly wroth over Apple deciding that anything recorded in .WAV should be copied as .Mp3), but you should read it and see for yourself.

The simple answer in all of this is ‘don’t join Apple Music,’ of course – but the problem is larger than that, hey?  There seems to be a certain confusion today over whether consumers actually get to own the intellectual property (IP) that they consume. Actually, there’s not really any confusion there: entertainment vendors have carefully written up everything to make it clear that, no, the consumers don’t actually own said IP. It’s just that the consumers don’t actually realize this until something happens (see above) that punctures the bubble.

Mind you, I admit to a certain amount of sympathy for entertainment vendors. They’re not just motivated by corporate greed; they’re also motivated by corporate exasperation.  There are a bunch of people out there who would rather almost starve than steal a loaf of bread, while at the same time thinking that there’s nothing particularly wrong with getting a bootleg copy of the latest hot song.  That was one of the reasons why Prince was so aggressive about keeping his music off of Youtube and suchlike services; he felt, rightly or wrongly*, that this was the only way to make sure that Prince got paid properly for making his songs. This may or may not excuse the rather elaborate ways that we see IP access being folded, spindled, or mutilated – but it does explain it a bit.

Sorry: no easy answer here. The record companies suck, but they have their reasons to suck. Which doesn’t excuse them, but does make the picture grayer than I’d personally like. Welcome to the world…

(Via @alexhern)

Moe Lane

*I’m not sure if he was correct there, honestly.  Half of my music purchases – and I purchase, deliberately, and as close to the source as I can – come from stuff I saw on Youtube. Contrariwise, I didn’t buy a single Prince album when the man was still alive (I grabbed three after he died).