Announcement: the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter will take place on March 1st.

Happy New Year!

I am pleased to announce that with the new year will come TINSEL RAIN, the sequel to my first novel FROZEN DREAMS. Set in the magical Kingdom of New California, Tom Vargas is back, and trying to Clear a Case full of dead mages, exploding artifacts, murky motivations, and rampaging constructs. Oh, and the Universal Dominion’s sent a new ambassador. That’s always fun.

The Kickstarter starts March first: further details will be given, closer to the date. I can say that the cover’s done and the first draft has been sent to the alpha reader. This book is coming out this year, knock on wood and the creek don’t rise. The Kickstarter is just going to help determine when TINSEL RAIN comes out this year.

Hope to see you on March 1st! …And before then, too. Obviously.


5 thoughts on “Announcement: the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter will take place on March 1st.”

  1. That sounds an awful lot tliek the plot of all the other Vargas work.

    I was kinda hoping you’d spread your wings and give us a steamy inter-species romance set over a long weekend at a country manor.

    1. :narrowed look:


      More seriously: this one actually takes into consideration some of the feedback from the first novel: it’s attempting to give the reader a chance to legitimately figure out whodunit. 🙂

  2. Ok then

    … and apologies for accidentally leaking the plot of the upcoming feature film Moe Lane’s The Orcish Patient, a Tom Vargas tale, presented by Miramax Pictures.

      1. Do, please, consult the history of the movie “Head”, and how the actors got a similar deal and got shafted.

        In the meantime, I’ll be preparing the wallet …


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