Meet Rich Iott (R CAND, OH-09).

This is Marcy Kaptur’s seat, and Rich is pretty determined to win it.  Rich is a businessman who’s running for the first time – which seems to be a theme for Republican nominees these days, along with military veterans and medical doctors; go figure – and we talked about the race for a bit:

Rich’s site is here.  Nice guy; check him out.

Moe Lane (Crosspost)

Looking at Illinois. [Updated]

Let’s look at Illinois.

  • IL-02: In wake of Jesse Jackson Jr’s being rather spectacularly accused of seat-buying-and-adultery, the NRCC is upping their support of Republican Isaac Hayes.  Because when you’re given a free shot, you should of course take it.
  • IL-08: is going to release [has released] a poll that shows Joe Walsh and incumbent Melissa Bean tied among registered voters. Guess that she should maybe start accepting those copies of the Constitution that people keep offering her.
  • IL-17: Speaking of the Constitution and not knowing what’s in it, incumbent Phil Hare is now trailing Bobby Schilling in the latest Tarrance Group poll, 44/43: another technical tie, but a bad place for an incumbent to be. The DCCC will be trying to bail Hare out; and no, this is not supposed to be fertile ground for Republican pickups. Continue reading Looking at Illinois. [Updated]

#rsrh Being mean to

It would be mean to click this link and answer the survey question “If you’re a Democratic voter, what do you hear when the president says, “Buck up”?” with “It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.”

It would be very, very mean.

On the other hand, if you do that then you get to read John Dickerson being aggrieved and upset that the Democratic party is currently using him and his the way that the bear used the rabbit (NOT SAFE FOR WORK!).  So there’s that.

Moe Lane

#rsrh THAT WOMAN Derangement Syndrome Watch, 9/29/10.

Last time I – and Ace of Spades HQ (unlike the AP) – checked, Associated Press, naming something a ‘bar and grill’ kind of suggests that it’s a restaurant.  Which would suggest that yes, in point of fact, Bristol Palin would be allowed to be actually in it and have, say, dinner.  I mean, seriously: they have both a breakfast and a kid’s menu.

You know, when I first encountered this phenomenon, I was honestly just joking when I described this sort of thing done by various and sundry (and rather furtive) individuals and groups as being part of a rather bizarre sexual fetish.  I still describe it that way; only now I’m no longer joking.

Moe Lane

Gallup: Big Media’s underwater trust numbers.

Add me to the list (Ed Morrissey and Andrew Malcolm) of people unsurprised at the Gallup report that trust in the media is at its lowest in… forever. 57/43 distrust/trust, for those keeping track: and it’s only been in the last few years that the media’s been underwater.

It’s interesting to compare the two reactions to it represented in the above links.  Ed, who is a New Media type who has expanded into radio and print, pins this long-term shift onto the outrageous attempt in 2004 by the media to smear the President with fake documents (an attempt so clumsy that a child* could see through it).  Andrew, who is a print journalist who has taken quite happily to New Media, instead waxes hysterically sarcastic on the very idea that people don’t take the mainstream media seriously: Continue reading Gallup: Big Media’s underwater trust numbers.

#rsrh This just made me a little sad.

Via Pejman Yousefzadeh comes word of the subtle humiliation of Michael Dukakis:

Dukakis, who said in a telephone interview that he “popped in” to the White House while on a trip here several weeks ago, said he told aides to President Obama that Republicans “want to go back and do exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.”


Asked if the White House aides were receptive, he said, “I think they certainly get it.” He declined to name the aides he met at the White House.

“Aides.” A man runs for President, you’d think that he’d be able to meet at least a Cabinet-level official. Strike that: this is one reason why we have the office of the Vice President. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be pleased that this White House is as ungracious as ever to its base – and everybody else, really. It’s just that… well, I was a Democrat once. Dukakis was my first Presidential vote. While I’m grateful now that he lost (and a bit embarrassed about my vote), that doesn’t mean that I necessarily enjoy seeing him get casually urinated on like this by the current administration…

Moe Lane

Meet Sean Bielat (R CAND, MA-04).

Sean is running against Barney Frank, and any other year that might be a daunting prospect. This being 2010, and it’s sufficiently worrisome to Frank that he’s bringing in Bill Clinton to campaign for him. We talked to Sean about this, and other aspects of the race:

Sean’s website is here. Keep an eye on this race; it’s got the right combination of a serious candidate, bad national and local conditions, and an incumbent who a little too used to being in power…

Moe Lane (Crosspost)