Assigning blame for higher food prices.

Via Instapundit comes this story warning that restaurant food prices are about to sharply rise.  The challenge for the government?  Why, finding who to blame, of course.

After all: can’t blame it on short-sighted conversion of corn crops into ethanol; the government’s pushing for even more use of ethanol, despite the objections of the auto industry.  Can’t blame it on higher gas prices; the government doesn’t really want to explain why it’s put a moratorium on offshore drilling in (disproportionate) response to last year’s Gulf oil spill.  And there’s absolutely, positively, and completely no possible way that this administration is going to let even the hint of a suggestion of an implication of a reference to The Dread Word “Stagflation” escape any lips of any person associated with the executive branch.  If that happens, the President might as well put on a sweater, muck up a hostage rescue, and go get beat up by a rabbit now – just to get it over with.

No, the government’s most comfortable option is, as always, to blame somebody on the Right for all of this.  My guess?  Rush Limbaugh.  He hasn’t been the subject of a Two-Minute Hate recently, and this administration likes to cycle through their favorite targets of those, lest overuse of any one of them makes the whole thing stale.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PRC mocks PotUS.

[I’ve been sitting on this all day, hoping for a perfectly logical explanation.  Alas, no dice.]

The PRC had one of their pet pianists play an anti-American, Korean War-inspired ditty (did you know that we’re jackals?  Did you also know that Marxists are incompetent buffoons who can’t feed themselves, or the countries that they manage to control?) at the White House without the administration twigging to that fact.  And it wasn’t really an accident, either.  Supposedly, everybody in the PRC with a television set (under different circumstances I could have written that out as ‘everybody in Taiwan,’ but then Taiwan is a First World nation, while the PRC is a Third World one with nukes) was tipped the wink to watch ahead of time.  Got to love the professionals running the US Government these days, huh?

You know, I had a rather elaborate and convoluted post planned out on how an imaginary American pianist played a thoroughly anti-Chinese (and still popular!) song right under the noses of PRC bigwigs, but this failed because American culture has been rather ruthless about stomping on that kind of thing recently.  The best example I could come up with on short notice was “Chin Chin Chinaman,” which is from the 1890s and isn’t even American.  Besides, to make it particularly true to life it would have ended with the PRC seizing the pianist, shooting him, then charging the American embassy for the bullet.  That would have spoiled the ‘joke’ by making it unbelievable: even this President couldn’t have ignored that.

I think.

Ach, well: as the Russians would say, the current Chinese dynasty has always been a bit nyeh kulturny.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh Time for another depressing Detroit slideshow.

As my wife put it: “Detroit?  I thought that you were looking at pictures of Poland.”

Nah.  Poland’s embracing a free market economy.

Moe Lane

PS: That’s not a wrecking ball.  Just time.

PPS: This is the result of forty years of one-party, liberal Democratic rule.  Avoid it.

#rsrh Neil Abercrombie, you ignorant slut*.

So.  Gov. Abercrombie wanted to puncture the Birther balloon.  That’s a laudable goal: so once he took office as governor, Abercrombie announced that he was going to settle this once, and for all.  Outstanding.  Only… it turns out that, Gosh darn it, Hawaii state law prevents the governor from releasing birth record information!


Sorry about the YT link to a Birther, but that’s the only audio link that I can find; I’ll be happy to replace it once I find something suitable.  Anyway: back in 2008 it was determined that it was illegal for birth certificates to be released without the holder’s permission; nothing has changed since then; and apparently you’ve never talked to Gov. Lingle on her way out the door – so the only damned thing that you did in your quest to be ‘helpful,’ Governor, was to throw fresh gasoline on the fire.

I repeat: Neil Abercrombie, you ignorant slut.  Learn how and when to keep your mouth shut, OK? Hint: if your handlers are frantically waving at you off-screen, then that’s a good time.

Moe Lane

*This is one of those responses that must be earned: we of the VRWC just don’t give it away.

#rsrh Hey! Want to keep radicalizing me…

…with regards to adopting a more pro-life position?

Then have people keep writing passive-aggressive Kermit Gosnell-situation apologetics like this one.  Actually, the problem isn’t the writing; it’s the publishing.  Because every time I see a pro-choicer start off on this topic without admitting that the Gosnell story confirms the absolutely worst fears and suspicions of the pro-life movement*, I get just a little bit angrier.  And the angrier I get, the more I stop caring that people have a problem with me having a problem about being lied to.

But I hear that the other side wants to find some common ground?  Fine.  Let’s start with “Born-alive babies are not to be killed.”  Then the pro-choice movement can explain how they [expletive deleted] that one up, and what they’re doing to keep from [expletive deleted] that up again.

Also, Ms. Kuschmider?

And you do not have the right to impose your personal sexual morals on anyone else. You don’t. It’s rude. So please don’t try.

You go first.  Thanks in advance!

Moe Lane

*Fears that we were told were ridiculous, exaggerated, hyperbolic, and generally silly.