DGA spent 800K… attacking Obama.


I believe that the topical response to this would be “You’re doing it wrong.”

Major Dem donors who wrote checks to the Democratic Governors Association funded a below-the-radar campaign that attacked Pres. Obama and other Dem all-stars, all in hopes of knocking off a strong GOP challenger.


Iowans for Responsible Government is a 527 group founded by Rob Tully, the former state Dem Party chairman. Reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service this morning show the group raised $782K and spent $767K in the second quarter. That money came entirely from the DGA, in 3 contributions in May and June.

…And that money was spent trying – and failing – to get rid of Terry Branstad in the primary by claiming that he was a liberal Obama supporter.  If it had worked, it might have revived Chet Culver’s collapsing campaign; as it stands, it’s over three quarters of a million dollars of Democratic money piled on the ground and set on fire.   Branstad can now point to pretty much any criticism that he’s not conservative enough and plausibly claim that it’s just more Democratic smear-mongering.  He’s already started.  I imagine that Reps. Bruce Bailey and Leonard Boswell aren’t too happy about this, either: both need top-ticket support this cycle if they want to survive. Continue reading DGA spent 800K… attacking Obama.

#rsrh Cracked’s Cracked Celebrity Causes Cataloged.

Cracked.com can expect some pushback on one of their latest (“The 6 Most Misguided Causes Ever Made Famous by Celebrities“): it’s going to be considered not helpful to point out that, truly, almost invariably Lefty celebrities tend to embrace some truly imbecilic Lefty causes, from The War on Domestic Justice (Mumia the Cop-Killer Good!) and The War On Foreign Justice (Castro the Dictator Good!) and The War On Objective Reality (9/11 is all because of US/Joooooooos!) – and, of course, The War On Science* (Immunizations Bad!). Apparently that last one is going to be getting much, much bigger, thanks to Jenny McCarthy getting a show from Oprah.  As Cracked put it:

All of America is about to catch McCarthy Fever! And measles.

Pretty much.

Moe Lane

*For some reason, some of the most tedious Republicans-hate-science types get very defensive when the entire ‘vaccines cause autism’ thing comes up.  It’s almost as if they’re being – ‘zounds! – hypocritical!  But that’s the worse non-violent secular sin in Western civil society possible, so of course they can’t be that

Good eating on a Canada goose. Or so I’m told.

So, they’re gassing geese in NYC, and both Ann Althouse and Glenn Reynolds wonder why people don’t just eat the geese.

Probably because most people don’t own a truck with a camper shell and a tailgate, a couple loaves of bread, and an air gun. Supposedly – I HAVE NEVER DONE THIS* – someone could theoretically take all of these items to an area infested frequented by Canada geese, park the truck, lower the tailgate, scatter the bread in the back, wait a half an hour or so, rush around back, raise the tailgate, and then drive off to a somewhat less public place for air gun usage.

Or so I may or may not have been told, which may or may not have during the consumption over large amounts of alcohol, which may or may not have been told to me by people whose names elude me, and during a time period that is well out of the statute of limitations regarding hypothetical violations of the Endangered Species Act and other, related federal legislation.

Moe Lane

*Seriously, I don’t own a truck.  Or an air gun.  I think that we may be out of bread, too.

Steve Rothman (D, NJ-09) hates video cameras.

Today’s “Whoops. Somebody was recording that?” moment will be brought to you today by Rep. Steve Rothman (D, NJ-09):

‘Portability’ in this context refers to the ability of people to take their health care plan with them if they lose their jobs – a feature not found in Obamacare, and one of four supposed deal-killers for Rep. Rothman. As you can see from the video, he was unhappy to be called an oathbreaker, and very unhappy to be asked why NJ-09 voters should be expected to still vote for an oathbreaker*. The awkward body language there is astounding, in fact: even if you’re aware of how safe a seat NJ-09 is normally considered for the Democrats it’s slightly startling that somebody so self-evidently constitutionally incapable of being criticized has managed to survive in it for a decade. The answer, of course, is that up until now nobody was getting things on permanent record…

Hey, we have a candidate opposing him! Michael Agosta. Apparently, it was a somewhat vigorous primary, too. That’s always good; shows that people are taking an interest.

Continue reading Steve Rothman (D, NJ-09) hates video cameras.

Taiwanese news media discover monkey Taliban story…

…not one of their best CGI results, but there’s at least one good photoshopped image in there.

Via Buzzfeed: interestingly, the original story about the Taliban supposedly training monkeys to fire guns originates from… the official newspaper for the People’s Republic of China.  Why do I have the feeling that the rest of the world is getting somehow sucked into the lingering aftereffects of the last Chinese civil war?

#rsrh Rooting for Injuries Watch, 07/14/2010.

Via Hot Air Headlines, Here are our three participants in today’s Circular Firing Squad:

  • Rep. Steve Cohen (D, TN-09).  White guy representing a majority-minority district. Hates Tea Partiers and conservatives.
  • Willie Herenton. Hates the white guy representing a majority-minority district.  Hates the fact that the President is endorsing the white guy in the primary.
  • President Barack Obama.  Hates… his job at this point, probably.

Watch it all unfold.  Of the three of them, the closest that I’d come to feeling sympathy for would probably be the President, except of course that Obama’s earned these kinds of headaches, a dozen times over.

Moe Lane

PS: Charlotte Bergmann for Congress.  Which reminds me, Willy: when you lose, are you going to endorse the GOP candidate?  What with this entire ‘Just One’ thing, and everything.

#rsrh “Tea party to NAACP: ‘Grow up'”

(H/T Instapundit)  I’m quoting the Politico title because, honestly, it’s absolutely accurate.

[Tea Party Express spokesman Levi] Russell contended the NAACP is guilty of overstepping its bounds and of acting juvenile.

“As the tea party movement has gained political momentum, groups or individuals still playing the race card look like a foolish embarrassment to their own party,” he said. “It’s time for the NAACP to grow up and stop hiding behind hypocritical race-baiting politics.”

It occurs to me that it has been a long time since any sort of national group has been willing to so bluntly call Democratic hyper-partisan groups like the NAACP on their nonsense.  Or to even so publicly state what everybody knows, but few want to say: the NAACP is a Democratic hyper-partisan group.  Apparently, enough people in the Tea Party movement have internalized the lesson that since the Left is already calling them every name in the book, there’s no downside to plain talking.

How… refreshing.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Harry Reid loses key Dem demographic.

Not even the dead want him re-elected at this point:

Chances are good you never met Charlotte McCourt during her 84 years, but I’m willing to bet you’ll be hearing about her in the coming days now that her obituary has taken Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to task.


Her obituary, printed in Tuesday’s Review-Journal, reads in part, “We believe that Mom would say she was mortified to have taken a large role in the election of Harry Reid to U.S. Congress. Let the record show Charlotte was displeased with his work. Please, in lieu of flowers, vote for another more worthy candidate.”

And here we all thought that a Democrat could never lose the necro-American vote.

Crossposted to RedState.