Here’s the Al Gore Masseuse police report.

Fun game for your morning: see how far you get into this report before you develop this sudden and burning need to go find a rock, and throw it at Al Gore.  I personally made it to page 13.

Background, for those unaware of the story: it’s alleged – I want to make that clear; alleged – that back in 2006 Gore attempted to force sexual favors from a on-call Portland, Oregon masseuse.  On the one hand, there are legitimate questions about why the woman didn’t press charges at the time, didn’t pursue a civil case later, and is only now breaking the story with the National Enquirer*: on the other hand… that report up there is alarming.  It even alarmed Gawker, which takes skill. I personally had to read it in stages.

Basically, that report needed to be either the centerpiece of a sexual assault case, or else a criminal libel one.  At this late date, it’ll probably be neither.

Moe Lane

*There are also legitimate answers, too – mostly involving relative power levels, particularly between a powerful male Democratic politician and a female working-class massage therapist – but that’s another issue.

Crossposted to RedState. Memory Holes ‘General Betray Us.’

Weasel Zippers has the details – and, more importantly, the screen shots: essentially, what happened was that did a little cleanup once General Petraeus stopped being a would-be whipping boy for Senator Obama and started being President Obama’s last, best hope for not mucking up the Afghanistan war.  This behavior would normally cause cranial explosions in anyone with the slightest appreciation of irony: fortunately for MoveOn, they are comprised pretty exclusively of hardcore antiwar activists, which means that they are as dead to irony as they are to the sufferings of non-European-Americans during Republican Presidential administrations.

On the bright side: since they’ve repudiated their own ad, they shouldn’t mind at all revisions to it.  My humble effort, after the fold. Continue reading Memory Holes ‘General Betray Us.’

Paul Kanjorski (D, PA-11) is a racist fool.

As a title, it is perhaps unsubtle: but since he is going around saying things like this

“We’re giving relief to people that I deal with in my office every day now unfortunately. But because of the longevity of this recession, these are people — and they’re not minorities and they’re not defective and they’re not all the things you’d like to insinuate that these programs are about — these are average, good American people,” Kanjorski states.

(Via Ed Driscoll, who has a good deal more of Kanjorski’s more… counterproductive… commentary.) …I don’t see why words should be minced. Or why Kanjorski needs to stay in the House past November; I’m fairly certain that Lou Barletta can be counted on to avoid insinuating that ‘minorities’ or ‘defectives’ don’t get to be ‘average, good American people.’

I mean, that’s just ignorant.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh Useful corrective.

Amazing. I take the entire day off from blogging politics, and the universe is still here. It’s like there was no difference at all.

‘Zounds. I keep this up, and I’ll end up losing that cheekily perfect self-regard that is so necessary for successful blogging. After that, there’s nothing left for it except showing people pictures of my pets, and I don’t have any pets.

Having read Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity…

…I can say with some amusement: if you are the sort who combines love of modern horror roleplaying games with an obsessive political awareness (particularly the online aspects of politics) then you are going to laugh your ass off at some of the groups that they included in the Cult of Transcendence section. Left, Right, Center, or beyond Yuggoth.

Nobody’s going to get the references in twenty years, but it’s funny now.