‘Rod Blagojevich, THOU ART AVENGED!’

Have I used that one before?

Doesn’t matter if I had: it’s worth repeating. Via @MelissaTweets comes the wonderful news that Roland Burris is giving this ‘run for election’ thing serious consideration.  Yes, I know that the conventional wisdom is that he won’t, but Roland Burris is neither conventional, nor particularly wise – and he’s not actually ruling out a run. Admittedly, right now his major problem is that he’d need to find some surefire and very public way to appeal to the liberal faction of the Democratic party.  But how to do that?

…Sen. Roland Burris just put out a statement saying he won’t vote for a bill that doesn’t include a public option, which is not supported by many of his moderate Democratic Senate colleagues.

Yeah. Yeah, that’ll do it.

Moe Lane

PS: Just remember: if he does run, and you’re a Democrat who votes against him in the primary, it’s because you’re a racist. Just ask Jimmy Carter.

Crossposted to RedState.

Clearly, Nancy Pelosi is a New York Times reader…

…because she hadn’t a clue about the Senate ACORN defunding amendment.  Note that the New York Post is a little more forceful than me; they called Speaker Pelosi ‘clueless.’  Which is not actually unfair of them: keeping track of things like this is part of the Speaker of the House’s job.

Then again, so is paying attention to what happens on the House floor.

(Via JammieWearingFool, via Instapundit)

Crossposted to RedState.

Are you a Democratic legislator in a Republican-leaning seat?

Because if you are, here is an advisory: as of this moment, if the Right catches you or your staff within 100 yards of an ACORN office or worker we will cheerfully crucify you with that organization. And by ‘crucify’ I mean ‘take the metaphorical and rhetorical equivalent of long iron nails and permanently attach you to ACORN with them.” As the above link to Jon Stewart’s appalled reaction to all of this shows, public perceptions of the group shifted, and not to the benefit of the people that like to use ACORN. Now would be a good time for individual Democratic politicians to start publicly breaking with the group, in fact.

Seriously. The San Diego video is out, and this one involves a guy talking about why Tijuana is the best place to smuggle underage El Salvadoran hookers across the border (because he has contacts there). Continue reading Are you a Democratic legislator in a Republican-leaning seat?

“Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it).”

Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It), Beyonce

…so, yeah, I actually sat down and watched it. Good song, good video; I can see why people liked it. Not worth Kanye West imploding his career over… actually, no, it was so totally worth Kanye West imploding his career over, but that’s because I agree with the President that Kanye West is a jackass.

Moe Lane

Just received the Photoshop from the Wish List!

The arrival of the Adobe Photoshop Elements & Premiere Elements 7 was completely unexpected, and very welcome. Now I guess I don’t have an excuse anymore for producing bad videos.

Many thanks to my benefactor, and to everybody who supports this site… which should definitely be extended to Neil Stevens, who very graciously hosts it for me on what’s essentially his own dime.  That link should let you show your appreciation for the venue…

Moe Lane

Unintended Kinsley Gaffe of the day.

From this Politico article on recent media failures (via Hot Air Headlines):

“For Glenn Beck to devote 45 minutes of his show to ACORN and Van Jones says more about his news judgment than mine,” said Dean Baquet, Washington bureau chief of the New York Times.

Given that it can be safely assumed that Glenn Beck viewers were not surprised at either the Van Jones resignation or the Senate’s defunding of ACORN, and that it can be assumed that many New York Times readers were surprised – which, to be blunt (and cruel) about it, means that the former were better informed than the latter – well, put it any way that you like, Baquet.  You’re still suffering from the comparison.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Well, nobody expects Rahm Emanuel to be historically literate.

But we should expect the Washington Post to be.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) In the process of reading this otherwise unsurprising WaPo article about how the President is still trying to figure out how to counter the quote-unquote “right wing noise machine*,” we’re treated to this bit from White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel:

…the John Birch Society was created in reaction to Kennedy…

Um. No. No, it wasn’t. I got no love for the Birchers, but they were formed in 1958 – and at the time, John F Kennedy was still the guy who was friends with Joe McCarthy.  Or so Wikipedia assures me here, here, and here.

I don’t blame Emanuel for making this up – he’s an administration stooge, that’s what they do – but the WaPo should have sent out a reporter with the mother-wit and education to check that out, even if it was only on Wikipedia.  Not that I really approve of that source for important things, but I understand that a good number of mainstream journalists do.  At any rate, why doesn’t the Washington Post have reporters who know enough 20th Century American history to immediately spot an iffy statement like Emauel’s?

Or editors?

Moe Lane

*Hi! How are you doing? I don’t get paid for this, darn it. So hit the tip jar!

Crossposted to RedState.