Not the guy with the hat’s. The other guy’s.
Of course, I’d probably need to exercise more. Breaking the fourth wall requires a certain amount of applied force.
Not the guy with the hat’s. The other guy’s.
Of course, I’d probably need to exercise more. Breaking the fourth wall requires a certain amount of applied force.
As I mentioned earlier, I went to the shindig that Americans for Limited Government & NetRight Nation put together that featured Andrew Breitbart (of Breitbart & Big Hollywood). The below features the question that I asked.
You can see the first two parts over at The Other McCain. Watch the whole thing: Andrew’s pretty fun in person, and he has a perspective on this sort of thing that is pretty provocative.
Moe Lane
PS: No, I did not wear a suit.
Crossposted to RedState.
Being so profoundly in the minority seems to have clarified things for people.
Very shortly: it’s good news for the GOP, with the partial exception of the NRCC.
RNC/DNC, February (Via Hot Air)
The RNC raised 5.10 million, has 24 million cash-on-hand, and no debt.
The DNC raised 3.26 million, has 8.6 million cash-on-hand, and has 6.9 million in debt.
NRSC/DSCC, February
The RSCC raised 2.87 million, has 1.05 million cash-on-hand, and has 2.7 million in debt (drawn down).
The DSCC raised 2.87 million, has 2.91 million cash-on-hand, and has 10.9 million in debt (no debt retired).
NRCC/DCCC, February
The NRCC raised 2.03 million, has 1.85 million cash-on-hand, and has 6.4 million in debt.
The DCCC raised 3.48 million, has 2.91 million cash-on-hand, and has 15.09 million in debt.
Continue reading February Fundraising numbers are in.
This was sparked by a conversation with my lovely and talented wife, who by the way feels that I may have been a bit, ah, focused in my description of how to write something, and how to be a good writer. To which I can only reply that at least I’m not padding out several hundred pages here.
So, how to write something:
and How to be a good writer.
If this advice works for you, by all means: prove me right by hitting the tip jar.
Moe Lane
The Democrats are not in as good a position as their position two weeks ago might have suggested.
Larry Sabato has done the first half of his anaylsis of the governor’s races for 2010 (the Democratic half): the basic results are below.
Continue reading Sabato’s Handicapping the Governors’ races, Part One.
Apparently, for real:
The president is to receive the award from the federation of black community newspapers in a White House ceremony this afternoon.
The Obama White House has closed the press award ceremony to the press.
Continue reading Obama press award ceremony closed to the press?
I believe, in fact, that the phrase is Full of WIN.
see more pwn and owned pictures
Mind you, I am not allowed to name any of my future children, so my judgment may not be universally respected.
While in the process of idly mentioning that the deficit’s going to be worse than originally indicated, Senator Conrad (D-Countrywide) says something very, very interesting:
Conrad also said he did not plan to include any instructions in the budget plan he is crafting for health care or the greenhouse gas initiatives. Such instructions written into the budget would give it a privileged status and make it easier to become law, but likely spark a nasty fight with minority Republicans.
This is in reference to “reconciliation,” which is a process by which the Democrats would be able to put specific legislation into bills that could be passed by a simple majority in the Senate, instead of the 60 vote system that we’ve effectively evolved over the years. The House is currently threatening to impose it over health care, if those awful Republicans don’t ‘see reason’ (translation: ‘do what the Democrats say’): we have a deadline until September. Continue reading Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) breaks with House Democrats on reconciliation.