I am backed up by a recognized scholar of constitutional law on this one, by the way.
President Obama’s decision to use signing statements to modify Congressional legislation directly attacks the ‘checks and balances’ to our government set up by the Founders. He is attempting to ‘accumulate more power in the Presidency’, using the claim that he ‘can basically change what Congress passed’ when it comes to legislation; Obama thinks that he has the right to indicate that he can ‘choose to interpret it this way, or that way’, depending on whether he agrees ‘with this part or that part’. In short, he wants to ‘make laws as he’s going along’, and ‘that’s not part of his power’.
Hey, if you don’t believe me, listen to this guy. He’s pretty vehement on the subject:
(H/T: Hot Air)
Just do it fast, before YouTube takes it down for whatever the excuse is this week. Continue reading Obama’s Power Grab on signing statements.