Just got sent this:
Yeah. That’s the Wall-E you all want to see, ya, you betcha.
Just got sent this:
Yeah. That’s the Wall-E you all want to see, ya, you betcha.
As Dan Riehl notes, we probably can’t make it performance-based (“They’d starve”). But still worth supporting.
Crossposted to RedState.
[UPDATE] Now unstickied. Thanks to everybody who contributed.
[UPDATE] Caleb’s also put up a post here about what he hopes to do in the next stage of all of this. Check it out.
(This post will be up on top for a while.)
This isn’t for me: this is for one of my colleagues over at RedState. He’s Caleb Howe/ “absentee,” and he’s the guy who caught Don Fowler laughing at Hurricane Gustav’s impact on New Orleans… Continue reading Help a guy out?
(Junko Yagami, covering Billy Joel
Really, it wasn’t intentional. Just a couple of juicy stories today and there’s a race next week, that’s all.
The Poughkeepsie Journal – which endorsed Obama for President – has endorsed Jim Tedisco for next week’s special election:
The 20th Congressional District seat – which includes much of northern Dutchess County – has been without a representative for about two months now. In many ways, this could not have come at a worse time. With the economy teetering, Congress has been moving at a fever-pitch pace to make critically important and highly expensive decisions that would have far-reaching ramifications.
The district needs someone to jump right in and make a difference, and veteran state lawmaker James Tedisco has those abilities. District voters should give him the opportunity to serve.
Tedisco has considerably more experience than his opponent, Democrat Scott Murphy, who has never sought office before.
There is at least one misstatement in the endorsement, however: Tedisco is against the stimulus. Nonetheless, good news.
Crossposted to RedState.
Good thing that he cleared that up:
AIG’s $100G donation to Democrats was unknown to Gov. Paterson, he says
Gov. Paterson stuck to his guns Saturday, insisting he knew nothing about a $100,000 donation from AIG to the state Democratic Party days before his office helped save the insurance giant.
State Republicans charged the Democrats with stonewalling an investigation into the Aug. 29 donation, uncovered last week by The Associated Press.
In the first week of September, Paterson launched negotiations to save the financially strapped company. GOP officials questioned whether there was a quid pro quo.
Otherwise suspicious individuals might ask whether September’s relief efforts were perhaps lubricated by such a transaction. Paterson’s intervention stopped the company’s financial free-fall back then, and it took place two weeks after AIG made a donation to the state Democratic party that was ten times higher than previous contributions. But Paterson, the Democrats, and AIG are all swearing that there was no quid pro quo. Or pay-for-play. Continue reading Gov. Paterson (D, NY): AIG Contribution not related to AIG rescue.
(Via Instapundit) Come on, you’d expect that the NYDN would mention the fact that these guys are all Democrats at least once.
Gov. Paterson: Corruption indictments may change the way state pension fund is run
ALBANY – The bombshell indictment of two top advisors to former state Controller Alan Hevesi is “disturbing” enough to consider changing how the office operates, Gov. Paterson said Friday.
Hank Morris, Hevesi’s top political consultant, and David Loglisci, a former deputy controller for pensions, were charged were charged in a 123-count indictment with steering firms to pension fund business in exchange for tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks.
Paterson said the indictment is “so disturbing in its nature,” the state should consider whether to allow the controller to remain as the sole trustee of the $120 billion pension fund.
If only because we’re notorious for having no sense of humor on the subject these days.
I should confess that one reason that this video appeals (as opposed to the song itself) is because I laugh every time I see the gloves. Google “green gloves” nazis and you’ll see why.
Time to do this again, so I’ve switched out Storm from the Shadows and replaced it with It’s Not News, It’s Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap As News
. Read this one, and you’ll be amazed by: a, how much of it you already knew; and b, why you never put it together before. Check it out.
(H/T The Other McCain) Turns out that federal judge appointee David Hamilton – whose new ‘moderate’ tag is making Feddie over at Confirm Them wince – is also a former fundraiser for ACORN – a group that is, as the TribLIVE site put it, “now being scrutinized on myriad voter registration fraud allegations.”
Ah, vetting. When were they going to start doing that, anyway?
Crossposted to RedState.