The now-official Help Save Uncle Hugo’s GoFundMe.

Uncle Hugo’s was the iconic genre bookstore in Minneapolis that rioters destroyed a couple of weeks ago; this GoFundMe was first created by a fan, and was transferred over to store owner Don Blyly later on. It’s legit, and while the contents of the bookstore hopefully might almost be covered by insurance, the building’s a different matter entirely. Hence, the GoFundMe; and I tossed in.

Moe Lane

And so it begins: FROZEN DREAMS e-book has been sent to backers.

E-books, really: I’ve prepared FROZEN DREAMS for Kindle, Epub, and PDF. If you backed, you should be getting them in your inbox this morning. If there are problems with the books or the delivery, let me know. If you didn’t get them because you didn’t back the Kickstarter, you can still rectify that in Backerkit.

Continue reading And so it begins: FROZEN DREAMS e-book has been sent to backers.

06/07/2020 Book Report, MARIE AND THE CONTINENT.

Today I did something that I should have done a while ago. I figured out what the hell the mystery was in the middle section of the damned book. Winging it is a great way to spark creativity, if you’re doing up a gaming scenario or even a vignette; as a method of novel-writing it leaves much to be desired. But I fixed my problem easily enough by scribbling out about four hundred words on what the situation was, what the good guys were like, and what the victory conditions were.

Continue reading 06/07/2020 Book Report, MARIE AND THE CONTINENT.

Patreon Microfiction: Love those Guys.

Hydrans look kind of like reptile-quails, with big eyes and a fuzzy brown-gold carapace. The species is generally considered to be solidly in the ‘weird-looking, but kissable’ category by most humans. They don’t wear much, but Hydrans are quite fond of boots; they typically adopt various species’ styles (Terran snakeskin boots are popular). Hydrans are invariably encountered with a beer in their hand.

The wallpaper and map for FROZEN DREAMS is distributed.

This is a test of the system; if there are no problems with the distribution (there are always problems with the distribution), tomorrow I send out the books. Note:

  • If you have not completed your survey yet, please do it today so that I can see how that affects the system. I think that it will automatically send you your digital downloads, once it’s been locked, but I’m not sure.
  • If you have not hit up the pre-order store yet and was planning to, please do it today for the same reasons. I fully recognize that this looks like a sneaky way to get more pre-orders, but that’s actually only a beneficial side-effect of the process.

I don’t think that there are going to be very many hiccups; but if there are, let me know. This is the first time I’m doing this from this side of the Backerkit, too.

06/05/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Oh, this day. Power failure, bizarre software design architecture, over-complicated procedures, and absolutely not enough sleep last night.

BUT! The .mobi and .epub versions of FROZEN DREAMS are both tentatively at the stage where I could release them to my Kickstarter backers. I’ve started the locking of existing pledges, and I’m going to test the system by releasing the wallpaper first. Assuming nothing bad happens, the rest will follow. And then I can get the book up on Amazon and B&N proper, with print version to follow.



I got, like, 13 people who haven’t. If you haven’t, fill ’em out. Check your email, if you haven’t yet. At this point I’m about ready to guess.

Feel free to pre-order from the store, too.

Continue reading 06/04/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREA… FILL OUT YOUR SURVEYS.