04/25/2020 Update, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.


Well, we’re just under $2,500, which means that we’re pretty damned close to the audiobook stretch goal. We also hit the number of backers that I had privately pegged as being my absolute upper limit, with five days to spare. So I’ve added a tier and a stretch goal to the FROZEN DREAM Kickstarter: for forty bucks you can define one of the sample characters I’ll be making for the FERMI RESOLUTION campaign setting*. Name, race, character class, physical description, background, yadda yadda.

And if we hit $4,000, we get art for the campaign setting! Rather, I can pay for art right away, which will get the campaign setting out a lot faster than otherwise. And anybody who did the $40 tier can count on their character being drawn up. Here’s hoping, all around!

Moe Lane

*This is not a physical book tier, but… keep watching the skies.

Two more Kickstarter backers and I make – God -help me – *Caramelized* Onion Bacon Tarts.

How far am I prepared to go for the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter? Friends, I’m ready to caramelize onions. Even though we all know that all those articles about how fast and easy it is to make caramelized onions are cruel LIES that society tells itself in order to keep from facing the awful TRUTH of an uncaring COSMOS. But yeah, two more backers – a mere two! – and Caramelized Onion Bacon Tarts get made:


God save the Republic.


04/23/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Chapter 12 edits done. That’s perilously close to half the book, and isn’t THAT weird to consider. At this rate, I’m going to run out of things to do before I can publish the blessed thing.

As for the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter: well, we are kind of stalled at this point. Mind you, by “stalled” I mean “plateaued at 1200% financed and waiting for the final 48 hours.” Still, I was hoping for two more backers before I revealed the next tiers and the $4,000 stretch goal. Both the tiers and the stretch goal have been carefully chosen to be something that I can do without extra effort AND without increasing my shipping costs, so I’m very excited at the possibilities.

In other words: if you’ve got friends who might be interested in the book – and/or an idea where to talk up this sucker that isn’t this site, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, the SJG forums, the FunCom forums, and/or my Patreon – feel free to add your input.


Eight days on the Kickstarter! Sign up now!

The end of the beginning looms. Eight days to go, so if you were planning to join up now’s the time. A lot of stuff that was discounted for FROZEN DREAMS backers will not be discounted in the FROZEN DREAMS Backerkit, alas and alack.

And, yeah, there’s still those sonnets! At this point, the sonnets thing is just making me laugh. Although that might just be the quarantine. God, what I wouldn’t do for a set of antibody tests* right now.

Continue reading Eight days on the Kickstarter! Sign up now!

04/21/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Mostly talked audiobook with one person (if it funds, I needed to be talking about the stuff in question by now) and looking at Chapter 11 revisions. So far, so good on those. My copy-editor did not throw a brick at my head for the truly awful pun I enshrined as a character, at least. So I guess we’re good!

The FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter keeps on kicking. Reminder: if you know somebody looking for a signed print book, there’s always the sonnet tier. Plenty of printed copies there, at least in relative terms.
