Movie of the Week: Wonder Woman.

Sure, it comes out next week (on International Talk Like A Pirate Day, by the powers!), but if you’re going to use Wonder Woman as a quick-and-easy Christmas present for your nieces or whatnot you might as well order it through this site.  Besides, it was a good movie.  And a good superhero flick, which is not exactly the same thing.

And so, adieu to Kong: Skull Island.


Hey! Continue reading Movie of the Week: Wonder Woman.

Tweet of the Day, Jamie Lee Curtis Returns To The Halloween Series edition.

So they’re making another Halloween movie.  Yes, Jamie Lee Curtis’s character died onscreen in the 2002 movie in this series.  And apparently they’re just going to ignore everything that happened after Halloween 2 and go on from there.

Which isn’t what of interest to me.  And what is?  Well, I’m gonna be honest, here.  The phrase ‘won the genetic lottery’ comes to mind:

As God is my witness, I plan to go watch “It” tomorrow.

If I don’t see it tomorrow, I won’t get a chance until next week.  Besides: third time’s the charm, right?  I mean, technically I could have not actually gotten my new phone Wednesday, and maybe I could have rushed to the theater today and left my newly-fixed computer in the car, but either way it seemed more grownup to not try to force my schedule to conform. But tomorrow is free and clear, so I can go see It.  Surely this will be possible.


Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I’m quite keen to see what happens tomorrow, too.  I’m worried that it’s going to be a meteor strike, or something. Not that a meteor strike wouldn’t be cool, but I’d rather that I not endanger others in all of this.

Shocker: they’re making John Wick 3.

May 17, 2019.  Spoiler warning: it’s not actually a shocker. John Wick 2 performed better than John Wick, and the critics were all pleasantly surprised to see how much It Did Not Suck.

And then there’s this: “We want, not so much to go bigger on the third one, but to show you more of the intricacies of the world… I think it would be a mistake budget wise and creatively to just go big and blow up a freeway. That’s not our gig.” If John Wick 3 actually goes for a self-contained trilogy that actually resolves Wick’s character arc in an internally self-consistent (and likely permanent) way then we’ll have gotten something rather nice out of the deal.  I don’t want to make it sound like I hate popcorn movies; I love ’em. But it’s always nice to get a story.

Besides, this way we might get a cool video game out of it. You know my arguments on this topic already, I’m sure.

I’m sold on Disney/Pixar’s Coco, methinks.

I don’t know if Coco is a ripoff of The Book of Life or not — I never got around to seeing it* — but the friendly dead could have been right out of Corpse Bride, and I am very fond of Corpse Bride.  Plus, of course, Spanish guitar.  There’s gonna be tons of it. Which more or less means that I’ll go watch it.

Out for Thanksgiving. Continue reading I’m sold on Disney/Pixar’s Coco, methinks.

Gonna go see “It” tomorrow.

Was half-thinking about seeing it tonight, but I got very little sleep last night and I probably should get some more before I drive anywhere.  You know how that goes.  Anyway, I hear that It is excellent, which is nice; Stephen King movies can be a little hit or miss sometimes.

I do wonder who they’re going to cast for the adults in the sequel — and since the movie had a 120-125 million dollar opening weekend, it’s going to get a sequel — and whether they’re going to be well-known or not.  I’ve been reading arguments either way on this today, and I don’t know which I prefer, either. Although I wish that we had had the foresight to stick Harry Anderson in a cryogenic vault so that he could reprise his Richie Tozier role.  Shoot, it might have even worked out better for Anderson that way.

J.J. Abrams back to Star Wars for Episode IX.

Which means, of course, that all of the loose plot holes left in all [coughcoughcough] movies will be left right where they are.  I kid, I kid! I’m sure that J.J. Abrams will do a perfectly fine job.  Of course, you know me and movies; I simply do not have a refined enough palate to detect even the most blatant overtones of cinematic vinegar.

I wonder what Disney plans to do, after this last trilogy is over.  I assume that they’re going to try to do something like a live-action Star Wars Rebels or Clone Wars, because of all the people that will line up to throw money at them for that. But once the Solo flick is in the can, what’s left?  …Strike that, I know what I want. I want a live-action Knights of the Old Republic. I deserve this, in fact.

The fairly brutal Honest Trailer for The Mummy.

It’s not as brutal as the one that they did for Catwoman, though.  There was something righteous about that particular trailer.  Not self-righteous; just plain righteous.  As if an angel came down from Heaven, because the fate of the three planes depended on it.  In contrast, the one for The Mummy is just aggravated:

Continue reading The fairly brutal Honest Trailer for The Mummy.