‘Rat-eating plant named after David Attenborough.’

That was the original title of this piece, and frankly it was a better one than “The Mousetrap: The carnivorous plant that eats rodents for lunch – named after Sir David Attenborough.” At least, between that and the picture below there’s no burning reason to read the rest of the story.


Via Fark Geek.

Moe Lane

Here you go.

There is a Boone’s Farm Fan Club.

And it is unlikely that I’m going to write anything better today than this testimonial from it:

“Nothing goes with sitting naked in the dark watching Golden Girls re-runs on mute while listening to REM’s “Everybody Hurts” like six or eight bottles of Boones.” – Michael (Syracuse, NY)

I mean, I’m pretty sure that the National Endowment for the Arts would fund that.

Congratulations to Foglio Studios on their Hugo!

Despite their ultimately-sincere protestations to the contrary, it’s a well-deserved award: Girl Genius is one of those indispensable webcomics, and doubly indispensable for those of a steampunk or neo-Victorian inclination.  My (few) interactions with Studio Foglio have always been very amiable, as well.  In fact, my only regret on this is that Girl Genius winning meant that Schlock Mercenary did not, and I’d be writing a broadly similar post if Howard Tayler had won and Kaja & Phil Foglio had not.

Again, congratulations.

Moe Lane

PS: Now GO FINISH GURPS GIRL GENIUS, DAMMIT.  We wants it, we does.

Blond, Purple-Bikini Girl shot first.

Via Vodkapundit, girls in bikinis reading from Star Wars Trilogy . Interestingly, this video had my wife in hysterics, if you define ‘hysterics’ as ‘openly laughed a couple of times.’

I suspect that at least one of the bikini-clad readers has actually watched the trilogy about twenty times. Secret geekdom is one of the tragedies of our time.

Moe Lane

It is not the greatest video ever, by the way: there’s no bacon involved. QED.

Trailer: Legion.

I got tipped off to this by a fellow In Nomine enthusiast:

For those who speak In Nomine, it’s a Low-Contrast, Low-Brightness Backwards heresy where Gabriel is a blackwing and Michael’s Outcast. If none of that made any sense to you: angels with Old Testament attitudes and automatic weapons liberally apply both to the landscape.

Yes, of course I’m going to go watch that.  I may even get a group together.