“Nobody needs shoes that bad.”

No.  Nobody does. Next time, Dennis: call somebody. It was like Jimmy Doohan doing Homeboys in Outer Space…


Wow. They put They Saved Hitler’s Brain on DVD, but not that. Impressive, in its way.

…anyway: I, personally, would have let you sleep on the spare couch or something, if that’s what it took to keep you from having to do Super Mario Bros. I’m not a cruel man.

No, really.

Moe Lane

‘Mind Flayers.’

‘Why did it have to be mind flayers?’ See also here, here, and here. On the other hand, it was always nice to see one in Nethack; once you killed it, eating it would raise your Intelligence score a point. Of course, hopefully you had on a helmet that would keep it from eating your brain down to Intelligence 3 first.

Why, yes, that link does lead to a download that will likewise eat your brain through the wonders of text-based nostalgia. You want that to happen again? No? Then hit the tip jar for the travel fund, and maybe it won’t.

Moo hoo bwah hah.

AoSHQ & TAP do zombie posts.

Which you all know that I can’t resist commenting on.  TAP’s Paul Waldman piece is here; Ace of Spades HQ’s Open Blog (Mætenloch) piece is here.  Let’s get this out of the way: I agree with AoSHQ that Waldman’s done his homework, but I have to take major exception with his statement:

There are no highbrow zombie movies or novels, and admitting you love them amounts to a declaration that your tastes are unrefined.

It will all depend on how you define ‘highbrow’ – but I think that The Serpent And The Rainbow would qualify, as would 28 Days Later.  Admittedly, the first is more Afro-Caribbean than the standard zombie flick, and the second breaks a lot of the conventions, so I may be on thinner ice than I like – but if Waldman can include The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari in his list, then I can use these two*.  As to whether zombie films default liberal or conservative: well.  They default to satirical, in my opinion; and you don’t want to end up getting too overtly partisan there.  If you do, you end up making movies like Homecoming, which I cruelly mocked at the time (without even seeing**) as an inept attempt to use dead soldiers as mouthpieces for the antiwar movement (given that the living ones loudly declined the ‘honor’). There’s a lesson there, really.

That being said: I may pick up Revenge of the Zombies at some point.

Moe Lane

*And, of course, there’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance – Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem! … which pushes the definition of ‘highbrow’ almost but not quite to the breaking point. And then there’s World War Z, which was in my opinion very sophisticated.  It’s not all that easy to do an authentic-sounding oral history book.

**Still haven’t, in fact.