Because that one is just designed to make Eric’s fingers twitch.
Category: Not-politics
See, this is why I read Order of the Stick.
It isn’t because of the D&D jokes, although those are fun. It’s because it’s clever.
And because Rich Burlew actually takes moral questions seriously.
Moe Lane
PS: I’d also like to note for the record that this is exceptionally self-referential:
…but it sounds really cool.
Overqualified, the book.
It’s a book and it’s called Overqualified; it’s based on a series of cover letters that author Joey Comeau has written over the years (an archive of some of them are found here; not all of them are safe for work). The cover letters are very… well, it’s impossible to explain them without explaining the webcomic known as A Softer World; and I don’t think that I can explain A Softer World. It just is.
All I really know in the end is that I want this T-shirt, dammit.
Weekly World News has the scoop on Bernanke!
You only think that they’re joking.
WASHINGTON, DC – Bernanke finally admits how he predicted the end of the recession: Astrology!
Continue reading Weekly World News has the scoop on Bernanke!
This week’s book: How Much is a Million?
As you can see, I have swapped out How To Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion for a new book:
…which is because of an idea that Pat Cleary had: to wit, that since our government obviously doesn’t have any concept of what a million really means we might as well educate them. First linked to here: again Congressional addresses here; Senatorial ones here; and, of course, the President lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500.
Your dose of cruel lawyer humor for the day.
Over at Word Around the Net there’s some pretty good, true (supposedly) anecdotes from a book called Disorder in the Court: Great Fractured Moments in Courtroom History. Here’s one, just to whet your appetite:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
As I said: cruel.
Crossposted at RedState.
Peter Jackson’s WETA Workshop makes a mermaid.
(Via Fark) Apparently, it takes a little bit more than the usual make-work projects to keep the people of WETA on their game, so they decided to go and make a functional prosthetic mermaid’s tail for a double amputee.
Just to keep their hand in, you understand. After all, it’s going to be two years before The Hobbit comes out.
Moe Lane
PS: Second half of the video here, but language warning. They picked a fairly inappropriate song to use for it, in my opinion.
Frustatingly, the Da Vinci’s Notebook versions of ‘Internet Porn’…
…available on YouTube are marred by an annoying laugh track, so watch this instead (language warning):
It’s in response to this story, by the way – and you can tell my reaction to it by the links to Avenue Q and Da Vinci’s Notebook.
Moe Lane
Turns out that the DABA thing…
…was a parody after all. For those who don’t remember, DABA was Dating a Banker Anonymous, which purported to be the blog of a bunch of women who were having to deal with the horrors of being involved with men who suddenly weren’t rich. I mentioned it here and here, which is one reason why I’m bringing it up again now; there may be somebody who cares enough to appreciate the correction.
The other reason?
Aretha, of course.
Hey, I put up Donna Summer the last time. Fair’s fair.
Moe Lane
PS: Just in case she ever reads this: madam, my wife loved your hat.
Crossposted to RedState.
Monsters vs. Aliens.
OK, is it too much to ask that Hollywood just give me things like this?
Monsters vs. Aliens, coming out March 27th.
I do not think that it is very unreasonable of me to ask that the entertainment industry provide us with more things that, well, entertain. It goes like this: you give me something that I am willing to spend ten bucks to go see, and I give you ten bucks. Brilliant in its simplicity, no?