Coming Soon: the Fear The Forgotten Foes Kickstarter. (Back it!)

Fear the Forgotten Foes is an upcoming 5e Kickstarter being run by Tuz, who is the dude who will be fiddling with the manuscript for my upcoming crowdfunding project. It also features art by Ben Fleuter, who was the artist for my upcoming crowdfunding project. So, basically, I’m recommending you join me in signing up for notifications for this Kickstarter. Obviously.

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of the Zone Kickstarter/Fan movie.

They crowdfunded this a couple of years ago: the movie is based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 video game. I’ve just started said movie, and so far S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of the Zone has been pretty dang good. I’m gonna go back to watching it now.

Game link:


The Secret World-North America TTRPG Kickstarter begins in a week.

Star Anvil Studios is offering the North America supplement to their Secret World TTRPG in both 5e and Savage Worlds, which is nice. I’m almost certainly going to pick the Savage Worlds version, too. It just feels like less of a kludgy fit than 5e would.

I should run this game at a convention. Heck, I should go to a gaming convention. The only problem there is, if I spend the money for an attendee’s badge, I might as well get a vendor’s badge, and then there’s gonna be little time for gaming…

The full ‘Terrorists, Ritual Nihilists, and the Space-Happy’ is up on Patreon.

Link here, but the various parts of it already got posted on this site. Forgive me, it’s been a kind of itchy-tichy day. A bunch of stuff going on and the school system decided to do a delayed opening tomorrow. During midterms. Which messed up my scheduling in subtle and annoying ways.

Tweet of the Day, They All *Do* Be Like That edition.

Although I’m not a ‘torture the players’ type. I strive for a madcap style, particularly when I’m running a con game. I want people laughing and trying to one-up each other with how gonzo they’re getting, not desperately clawing for one more +1 to stave off their demise for a few more rounds. NTTAWWTOC.

Tweet of the Day, Go Ahead And Write The TTRPG Investigative Scenario edition.

I mean, it largely writes itself.

(Look, I’d still have posted this if it had nothing to do with the Thing We Don’t Talk About Here.)