Pelicon registrations are open.

And filling fast. I got in on a FALL OF DELTA GREEN and a TRAIL OF CTHULHU game, but the NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS one was already full. Then again, a con game a day is probably all for the best, anyway. I’m not nineteen anymore, thank God*.

If it really fills, they’ll probably recruit more online GMs, so check out the Pelicon schedule anyway.

Moe Lane

*I had no money and I was a massive twerp. Also, I wore this ridiculous long black woolen coat everywhere that was hot in the summer, cold in the winter, missing its lining and buttons after the second year and oh God but do I miss it. …Fine. I’d go back for the damned coat. And nothing else.

‘Anti-Zionist’ event at GenCon canceled.

‘Anti-Zionist’ used in headline because the goal actually is to give people the cover to discreetly drop from the virtual event. There are times where it is advisable to allow a retreat. I just want companies to think first before they support events like this, because if they do then they won’t support as many events like this.

Guess I have to start adding ‘no anti-Semites’ to my ‘no AI’ and ‘no slave labor’ hard limits.

Believe me, I’m not thrilled that I have to actually type that out, either. Context: this contest is being held at GenCon, which is undoubtedly stretching the ‘anti-Zionism isn’t anti-Semitism!’ fig leaf to ridiculous limits as cover right now. Kind of glad I wasn’t going to be attending GenCon anyway, if I’m being honest…

So that Cozy Halloween thing I was working on is getting split up.

The big-picture one I had shown to my Patreon group was something they liked, but they were more grooving on the idea of doing a kind of smaller town-type situation. They were also heavily down on the idea of cowboy witches with horses, which is good, because that one was non-negotiable anyway. So I came up with an alternate town map for that, and will be putting together a treatment for our next session. This is all in fun, mind you: I’d like to do some collaboration with other RPG writers and artists. This isn’t going to be commercial, in other words.

Continue reading So that Cozy Halloween thing I was working on is getting split up.

The Matter of Chicago [The Day After Ragnarok]

There’s a little project that I’d like to do for The Day After Ragnarok, assuming they ever bring back the game line. Alas, there’s one big problem: I’d have to write up Chicago. For a game setting written by Ken Hite.

Well, you solve big problems by turning them into smaller ones. Like setting the parameters, at least.

Continue reading The Matter of Chicago [The Day After Ragnarok]

Something that I’m working on.

It’s not going to be something that I’m working on here, though. There’s a group of Patreon creators that I’m hanging with, and we were talking about doing a collaborative project. I had a thought of a Cozy Halloween piece, so rejoice! This is part of my creative vision, which will absolutely not survive the feedback process. Nor do I want it to, but if I can keep the broad outlines I’ll be happy.

Note: this isn’t true alternate history. Also note: this absolutely draws from anime and animation. Well-spotted!

The Songs of the Spellbound Sea Kickstarter.

Specifically, Songs of the Spellbound Sea: Nautical Adventures for 5E! No AI art and I’m pretty sure they’re not using Chinese slave labor. A pretty good dude from my Patreon RPG weekly Zoom-up (or whatever we call them) is involved in the project, and he knows how I feel about that stuff. Besides, the turnaround time is definitely not taking ‘ship this from China to England and the US’ into consideration. Plus, I told him that they should have little dinosaur parrot-equivalents for the ‘dinosaur jungle’ stretch goal, and he might even actually bring that up.

I figure, all in all, it’s at least worth a digital backing. Especially the entire idea of pirates + dinosaurs. That’s gaming gold. GOLD, JERRY!